Paul Bede

Legate Paul Bede

Paul Bede is the eldest child of Jessica Bede, sister of the Eternal Empress. He is one of the oldest in his family in leadership positions throughout the Shin Empire. Born just before the First Confederate-Shin War, his childhood was during the height of that conflict. Educated in Novanass, Paul was the first child in the Bede family since the exodus to the north. He was pampered and treated with constant attention by his family and relatives. As he grew into adulthood, it became clear that he viewed himself as above the rest of his family and blessed by destiny, taking everything for granted.   He was educated in the ways of politics and administration, and was given his first opportunity at management in the third century. He was granted the management of Marlinos, which he ruled for over one hundred years. However, a scandal emerged in that time, as it was shown he was embezzling much of the budget and finances, using them instead to enrich those who favored over others. He also spent it on lavish parties and celebrations, rather than the vital purposes it was initially assigned for. He was recalled to Novanass, and given a severe lecture from the Empress.   Reassigned to administration in the capital indefinitely, it was a form of torturous purgatory for Paul. He was denied many of the luxuries of his peers and the new children rising through the ranks of the family. While others achieved glory and acclaim, Paul was forced into the position of an accountant, keeping eyes on figures and gold while never being able to spend anything upon himself. In this role, he met the woman who would become his wife, who began to encourage him and helped Paul realize that he needed to play the political game properly in order to return to the Empress' good graces. Marriage was the key to the return of Paul to respectability.   The outbreak of the Great War at last gave Paul a chance to prove himself, after centuries of being trapped at home. Although he had been able to visit some of the Empire's colonies abroad, he knew that to gain respect once again, he would have to prove himself in Emicara. Without any military training since his long past youth, Paul instead helped administer the logistics of the Shin army during their offensives against the Jakonians. Not a particularly glamourous role, it was still important and his efforts were noticed by the chain of command. He was offered a commendation at the end of the war, and Paul simply requested a new assignment in the field, and another chance at becoming Legate.    The Empress granted Paul's request in 844 AF, inaugurating him as the Legate of the newly claimed city of Kraticium. His authority expanded to much of the surrounding area, and he immediately took up the reign with gusto. For years he labored diligently, helping to establish new prosperity to the region. At home, however, cracks were beginning to show as more and more Shin resources were being dedicated to the War Above. Ties were cut with surrounding nations, and resources were cut off for the management and maintenance of infrastructure in Kraticium. Paul had to take harsher methods to maintain order and keep up taxation to the Empress.   After the closure of the borders in 999 AF, Paul realized that it was clear that the government in Novanass no longer cared what he was doing or what he achieved as long as the funds kept returning to the nation's coffers. He began to build a stronger base of support within his demesne, earning the loyalty of the locals, and helping to increase division with the Shin hinterland. In the next forty years, with the support of his wife and children, he has begun to even ponder the secession of his territories with him as a new king or emperor. All that he awaits is a chance to strike when the Empress cannot hope to resist him.
Date of Birth
Newdawn 30, 155 AF
Year of Birth
155 AF 886 Years old
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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