Jessica Bede

Legate Jessica Bede

Jessica Bede is the younger sister of the Eternal Empress of the Shin, although with their great ages, those distinctions are fairly meaningless in the present day. In her youth, she was one of the more reliable children of Jayne Bede, staying closer to home, and paying more attention to studies as opposed to going out and adventuring. She had been mostly interested in technology than other arts, but the loss of the original kingdom of the Bedes was a motivator for change.   The death of Jessica's parents instilled a new drive for knowledge, along with her marriage to Cecil Garner. She turned away from the simple development of technology and instead began reading up on the art of war, and the conflicts in which the Nameless Empire had engaged before their fall. Jessica became a military pioneer when the Shin Empire was established, and she found herself leading the armies of her people into conflict as they established order throughout the Apps Mountains and built a new nation from the rocks.   Although she rarely took the field as much as Cecil, Jessica proved talented at managing the logistics and strategies of battle. She gained most fame for her abilities to lead armies through the mountains at surprising speed, often arranging for reinforcements to arrive at some of the most inconvenient places possible during a battle. On occasion, she even found herself fighting alongside her husband in combat. She stepped out of his shadow in 820 AF, when he and his command tent were separated from the rest of the Shin army during the Battle of Conecuh Lake. Jessica was forced to take charge of Shin forces or face a rout. Unaware of the fate of her husband, she led the Shin and their allies to victory upon the frozen water.   Jessica mourned the death of her late husband, and put herself to work on the home front once more. The Empress appointed her the new Legate of the town of Sverterium, a mining and trade town not far from the Mersan border. It also allowed her to keep an eye on her children, who were involved in similar activities in the surrounding area. She worked nobly in Sverterium as its ruler, but as with the rest of the Bedes and the town itself, there has been no contact or information about her since the closure of Shin borders in 999 AF.


Jessica Bede


Towards Cecil Garner

Cecil Garner


Towards Jessica Bede

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Legate of Sverterium
Date of Birth
Newfeast 6, 70
Year of Birth
70 AF 971 Years old
Cecil Garner (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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