Thomas Bede

Administrator Thomas Bede

Thomas Bede is a nephew of the Eternal Empress, one of the youngest generation of House Bede still living. Like the others of his lineage he was born an Immortal, blessed with infinite life assuming he did not lose it in battle. Growing up, he found himself most interested in education and jurisprudence, and found fascination in the workings of the court system of the Shin Empire. He sought to understand and ultimately master it. He rose through the ranks, not just from his association with the Eternal Empress, but due to his extreme deftness at maneuvering through the courts. At the age of 104, he was appointed the new administrator of the National Apps Security Administration.    In this august position, he has provided a firm and fair hand upon the judges and courts of the Shin Empire, and managed that until the late 900s. During that time, he also found his duties becoming more and more tied to being a spokesman for House Bede, due to his popularity with the masses for his magnanimity in the courts. His last appearance was at the announcement of the closure of the borders for the Shin Empire in 999, and it seems likely that he is sharing the fate of whatever is occurring in the depths of the Empire.
Date of Birth
Bloodset 8, 649
Year of Birth
649 AF 392 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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