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A race of bird-like peoples whose main method of communication is through voice and sound mimicry.

Basic Information


Kenku have no wings or capacity for flight. Instead, they have arms in place of wings and bird-like talons for hands and feet. They've retained bird-like features, however, with black and beady eyes and a long dark-hued beak. Their head and torso are covered with soft feathers, usually a dark russet-brown color but a wider variety of color has been observed in the past few decades, while their limbs are bare and scaled similar to a bird's. Many would say that they most often resemble ravens.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kenku are born from eggs and reach physical maturity between 9 - 12 years old.


Although it is unfounded, there is a generally poor disposition towards Kenku, and they are viewed as untrustworthy. This for two reasons, the first is their mimicry, which unnerves some people and can be used for trickery, and the second is their resemblance to ravens which in many cultures can be omens of death. In the end none of these beliefs are founded on anything more than superstition and fear.
  There is one stereotype about them that is true, although the reason is entirely unknown, but nearly all kenku have an innate drive to fly. Many supplement this through magic means, but some hunger for natural flight and spend much of their lives searching for such a method.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Due to the general negative feelings towards them many Kenku choose to remain clustered together. Their two main areas of habitation are the city of *The Sound of a Tree Falling* or Chatter as its colloquially known, and the Lamina Kingdom where a large Kenku population has staked their own domain and is accepted by the country as a whole.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Kenku have the remarkable ability to reproduce any sounds they have heard. In societies that have a large presence of Kenku a shared language seems to develop that to anyone else sounds like a random series of noises and sound effects. This ability is also how they communicate with others although many times misunderstandings occur due to their mimicry not being always situationally or tonally appropriate.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In the south of the continent, Kenku commonly associate with the Díne Elves of Taur-na-Chardhîn and Tieflings as they are the two groups that treat them without suspicion.
  In the north, Kenku share in the Lamina culture and experience a wealth of relationships with many different races.
by mizomei
60 years
Average Height
~5 feet tall
Average Weight
90 - 120 lbs

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