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A kenku city located within the Lagius Tree in the south-western forest known as Taur-im-Duinath. Perhaps the largest concentration of kenku in the continent.



With almost 80% of the population, kenku make up the majority followed by Elves, Tieflings, and various fey beings.

Industry & Trade

Chatter doesn't do much in the way of trading with the outside world, most of that is handled by their tiefling sister city. Instead Chatter has an extremely large and prosperous logging industry that is the main supply of goods into the city. Most of the population works in this field or in one related to it and its facilitation.


The name Chatter is actually a more colloquial derogatory name for the settlement. The name comes from the fact that Kenku communicate through mimicry and sounds unique to their race which to many outsiders sounds like a lot of noise, hence the name. Its actual name given to it by its denizens is "The sound of a tree falling" literally.       


Situated deep within the elven woods in a part of the woods known for their monstrously large trees. The city lies in the Lagius Tree which is right at the fork of the __ River making for an easy route to Orthant Rassent.
Alternative Name(s)
*Sound of a Tree Falling*
Location under
Owning Organization
Emmel World Map
World Map of Emmel
Point of Interest
Village: Population >1,000 
Town: Population 1,000~5,000
City: Population 5,000+

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