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The capital of the Azuros Empire, it is a well fortified city that resides in a highland area at the joint of two rivers.



The makeup of Winhold and the Azuros Empire as a whole is not incredibly varied with Human being the most common  


As a whole the population, even among the lowest class, lives a slightly better lifestyle than many of their contemporaries in other countries. Destitute levels of poverty are rare, as is obscene wealth by the token of the government allocating resources and money as they see fit. Many of the citizens are also in the employ of the government as soldiers or civil servants and receive a modest pay. The easiest way too see the class stratification is by looking at military ranks, as the higher the rank the more you're payed, but even the lowest soldier makes enough to provide for their family.  


By far the government (Military) is the largest employer meaning much of the population is either currently a soldier or formerly a soldier that has transitioned into a more civil servant role. There is still a local economy with the expected professions such as blacksmiths, tailors, innkeepers, etc.


The government both local and statewide is run very much in the style of any military you may see. Chain of command is key and obedience is expected. The emperor rules over the state with the help and advice of his council comprised of his 6 generals and 24 elected officials, four from each of the six provinces, and together legal and executive matters are settled before being put to a vote by the citizens.
  In Winhold itself the government operates with ruthless efficiency and a surprising amount of paperwork. Criminal laws are fairly straightforward and violent crime is punished rather severely while petty crime has a looser approach. Violent crime involving foreigners is especially paid attention to as Azuros actively pushes to cultivate an image of civility on the world stage. Gambling and many drugs are illegal and taken rather seriously as it can open the door to compromised soldiers, and magic within city limits is regulated and forbidden.
  Taxes are a fact of life in the city and it's hard to do anything without running into it. Businesses are required to pay taxes on their business, and with the government controlling the flow of natural resources they must buy direct. The government allocates money to businesses and industries necessary for a thriving economy and state, and as such most of the money in the kingdom at some point will pass through the hands of the government.


With its back to a steep cliff and the front and sides being a large river, the city has a good start with natural defenses that make invasion a difficult choice. The city east gate directly connects to a bridge over the Aries River and can be drawn up if needed. Gargantuan walls with parapets accented by turrets and towers for archers and mages to fire from cover in the case of a frontal assault. More so than anything else the true terror are the cities magical defenses; Gates are trapped, roads and intersections are trapped, magic ballista, and anti-magic zones to only name a few.

Industry & Trade

Mining and refining are two large industries here and the city even has a trade deal with Sanorio to process their volcanic rock which is used for a variety of things including water filtration. Iron deposits in the nearby hills provide the city with a lot of raw material for manufacturing many things to sell and trade. Terrace farming is a popular method around the outskirts of the city, and is responsible for much of the cities food. Blacksmithing is by and large one the biggest trades in the city and the government is actively trying to entice dwarf guilds to the city.


Roads and Transport

The road system in and around Winhold is by design both easy and confusing. Roads are set in a pseudo grid pattern, but will randomly dead only to start back up several blocks later or will twist and merge with another road making it almost impossible for a marching army to navigate the city easily. Main avenues are built for large army movements, and alleys between buildings are tight and set back from the road making for great ambush locations. The ground is set in meticulously placed stone and is maintained regularly by the government. Rickshaws and carriages pulled by horse or war ostrich are common sites throughout the city to help offset the road design for travelers.


Formal required education begins at age 12 for all and includes basic reading, writing, and maths however a large focus is on military focused areas such as tactics. Physical fitness and training is a large portion of the schooling as well, and by 18 students will have a basic education, military education, and proficiency with many weapons and combat. It is at this point that men will be pressed into military service for 5 years, and women are given the option whether to enlist or not. 
  Other than the state provided schooling there is a Mage's Guild College in the city, however it is the smallest and newest of the colleges, and doesn't have quite the prestigious reputation as some of it's sister colleges in other cities.

Guilds and Factions

Adventurer's Guild

The hall here in Winhold is called The Black Sanctuary for its brutalist architecture and the black stone its built from. Personality wise it fits right in, however the guild takes a more impersonal approach with the city. The guild must maintain neutrality and a war hungry country makes it difficult to do just that. As such all requests posted to the guild are first put under intense scrutiny to make sure that they are not getting involved in the war and its politics. There is a mutual calm now, but everyone in the guild can feel the tension.

Mage's Guild

The college located in Winhold is the newest edition for the Mage's Guild since they opened the college in Lakeshore decades ago. No expense was spared in the construction of the campus and it is easily recognized in the city skyline. although the architects did there best to match the city's taste they couldn't help but show off. The guild on the surface maintains there public stance of neutrality however behind that there are some secret deals in the back rooms of the castle that many would think dubious if they heard the specifics.


Winhold got its start nearly two centuries ago as a military fort. Once it was a part of the Salastellan Kingdom it had grown to the point of being a full city in its own right. The city boomed with commerce and was still a major military stronghold, but with that came arrogance. The ruler of Winhold competed with Denover for influence in the kingdom and eventually became a rival city to them. What was once a healthy rivalry turned to disdain to hatred. It was at that moment that an enterprising mercenary band known as The Blue Hammers staged a coup and established their own country garnering the support of the people that they could be better than Denover. And now it is the seat of power and capital of the Azuros Empire.

Points of interest



The Pen and Sword

A common form of entertainment worldwide is theater, actors dress up scenes are set, and drama ensues. However, Winhold has put it's own certain flair to it combining theater with their other favorite past time, fighting. Shows are set much like a normal play except at the climax of every show there is a bout of some kind, and it is almost always to the death unless the story deems otherwise. The crowd can also influence the outcomes of events through cheers or jeers, and the results of the fights themselves are only in the hands of the fighters and the gods. The show happens monthly with playwrights furiously writing and rewriting multiple scenarios and outcomes and the actors all practicing their parts. The stories are long sprawling affairs often spanning multiple years, but a good writer provides context where needed to help new viewers catch up. It is much like the best parts of gladiator fights and theater combined into one.


Traditional stone gothic architecture except in the last 30 years extensive remodeling has the signature peaked roofs interspersed with flat top towers perfect for archers. Most first floors have little no windows and the ones that are there are little bigger than arrow slits. Very Romanesque architecture with small gothic influences more prevalent in government districts.


The city sits on the Aries River where the Sheratan Branch connects. The terrain is full of hills and rocks, and to the north the land rises until the plateaus in the center of the continent.

Natural Resources

There is arable land however more would be better, there are woods however more would be better too. There are mountains and hills that give plenty of opportunity for mining. Animal husbandry flourishes here with lots of grazing land more suited to animals than farming.
For city that watches people kill each other for fun to call me a savage, ha! Their pride blinds them, at least I'm honest.
— Shatterback Shin
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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