Annie Nash

Lady Anne Nash (a.k.a. Annie)

Allmage Annie

Daughter of Artisans
18 years
Beast Companion
Enchanted Quarterstaff

Torrym's Craft

With Torrym's Craft, Annie is able to craft and shape wood by hand in great detail without the need for tools. This includes various forms of woodworking, including carving and even wood-burning!
Vokda's Pocket

Vokda's Pocket allows Annie to create small portals into Vokda's Plane big enough to reach her hand or arm inside and can place or remove small items from the plane. This space is akin to outer space, perfect for storage. Her hands and arms up to her shoulders are immune to void, magic or natural, but the rest of her body is still vulnerable.

Annie is a mage of significance training within the Accian Military Training Program as the only Allmage of her generation, capable of all schools of true magic. The mage training program is drastically different from that of the typical recruit. Mages train for four years, rather than two, and they are totally insulated from the rest of their peers. Like many others mages, Annie receives special treatment but unlike her cohorts she despises this treatment and her lifestyle.

Annie craves the life of an ordinary recruit, well beyond fed up with the snobby, elitist culture of mages. Unfortunately, due to her abilities, she is not allowed to choose this for herself and is on a short leash as she would phrase it. She develops a hot temper and a foul mouth in response to her stifling experiences. Despite this, Annie is otherwise amiable, excitable and kind to those who she believes deserve compassion. Eventually, Euan MacFheargus barges into her life and helps her escape the gilded cage the kingdom has trapped her within. With Euan's aid, Annie is able to step out of the identity of Lady Anne and enjoy the ordinary experiences and company she craves. Euan even introduces her to Tia Minx and her group of friends, knowing they would be the kind of company Annie desires. Annie also develops a turbulent but fulfilling relationship with Euan even after their arrangement concludes (Annie providing enchanted gear in return for Euan sneaking her out).


Cis Female,
105 lbs
Skin Tone
Rose Ivory
Chocolate Brown
Chocolate Brown,
Fine and Long

Annie is petite and unathletic, most of her time spent on academia. She has long and fine chocolate hair, matching her rich brown eyes. Her magic form has pitch black and deep green patterns up to her shoulders.


Annie's Goggles
Annie has a wide array of gear, tools and apparel heavily laced with her experimental enchantments. There are three in particular she tends to keep on her person. She has gloves and boots enchanted with various Movement and Manipulation enchantments while her goggles carry an intense array of enchantments mostly pertaining to perceptive magic. She has a few weapons enchanted and ready for use -stored away in Vokda's Plane- but she hardly ever uses them as she isn't permitted to fight. The sheer number of enchantments on her gear would usually be too much for an ordinary person to fuel or tolerate but because she is the Allmage, she possesses far more energy than others.

Like all mages, Annie wears a special ornate cloak which indicates what kind of mage she is but only she is permitted to wear an all-white one. This cloak is specially made, utilizing material magic and enchantments so that it shields the wearer from all forms of racial magic and even amplifies true magic. However, its dangerous for anyone but Annie to wear due to energy consumption.


Annie once lived a very ordinary life with her parents. Her father was an carpenter and her mother an artist, living in a small village of the Tenebrous Chain. Annie began using magic at a young age and her parents did what they could to hide this. Annie's abilities as a mage developed rapidly, her parents quickly recognizing she was a powerful and significant mage. As she grew older, and her abilities expanded even further, their fears were confirmed—Annie is an allmage. Annie was talented and adored testing her abilities in secret but eventually she was discovered. Once the kingdom learned of her abilities Annie was taken from her family and brought to the capital to begin her apprenticeship and immersion into mage culture. She was barely thirteen when this happened. Her parents moved to the artisan town below the capital to be closer to their daughter and she was permitted to visit them if she behaved and did what she was told. These visits have grown even more sparse since joining the procession.

This was the beginning of a tedious and frustrating lifestyle. Despite their efforts to condition and assimilate Annie into their society and traditions, Annie only grew to resent every aspect of her new life aside from being able to practice magic freely. Because of her rebellious outbursts and resistance to their designs for her, their grasp on Annie only tightened and she has little freedom. She was not even free to choose her own friends. Annie despises the uptight and stuffy nature of her fellow mages, putting up a barrier. Over the years she develops a short temper and foul language is one of the few outlets for her mounting frustration. She had one particular incident, an outburst fueled by this frustration, and has left many around her nervous of her temper. Another source of this frustration is not being allowed to train with the other recruits, not being trained martially. Few mages are allowed directly on the battlefield yet these constraints leave her feeling stifled.


Annie herself is energetic, perspicacious, stubborn, compassionate, assiduous and passionate. She can get lost in her work, easily becoming tunnel-visioned, or can babble on about her work when inspired to do so. While she prefers casual and ordinary company she has adapted well to her position and manages those around her with proper poise and authority, almost seeming a different person while playing this role. She has developed an intense impatience with those seeking to manipulate or control her. When she can get away with it, Annie is very informal or even crass and loves exploring ecosystems rich with magic. She has grown tired of rules, schedules, expectations and proper behavior and greatly enjoys anything reminding her of her childhood when she could spend her time exploring the thick forests of the Chain aimlessly and uninhibited. When in a large group, she prefers hanging back rather than being the center of attention, but also enjoys using her magic for the benefit of her friends or anyone she deems a good person (rather than the snobs she is accustomed to).

Mental Illness

The extreme connection Annie has to magic itself, the energy linking all life and materials together, can overwhelm her. Whether due to this connection or pre-existing, Annie has developped bipolar disorder. Of course, mental illness is not recognized or even understood in this era and many consider her condition to be magic sickness. She has a tendency to push herself too hard and faces severe burnout as a result, her magic becoming dangerous and corruptive when depression hits her.


Annie is often conflicted about what she wants. She intensely enjoys pursuing her experiments and general use of magic freely but she also is reaching her limit in tolerating the life that has been planned for her. She craves the freedom any ordinary person has and to generally be around ordinary and genuine people. She misses the umbral forests and open heathlands of the Tenebrous Chain and the life she had with her parents. As Annie continues her journey, she tries to find a way to balance these desires, hoping to tear down the eccentric and egotistical mage culture constraining her and her fellow mages. She wants to create a future where mages can pursue their craft without being a puppet of the kingdom and without the extreme insulation.


She is prone to cursing and otherwise foul language. This started as a form of rebellion but quickly became a cathartic habit. She is still careful about who hears this and will be extremely well spoken and polite if not authoritative when performing her duties as Allmage.


From the age of thirteen, Annie spent three years attending the mage's college in the capital. Her education was meticulous and carefully maintained as their only Allmage. Like other mages, her time within AMTP will last four years rather than two. Despite travelling together and living within the same compound, she does not socialize with regular recruits (or rather isn't permitted to). Annie has been training for two years already and has two years to go. She has apprenticed under several different master mages, one for each school of true magic. She has completed half of these apprenticeships.

Schools of Magic

While her favorite forms of True Magic are enchantment, fortune telling, beast mastery and glyphs she is capable of using all forms of true magic. In fact, Annie greatly enjoys mixing different schools in innovative and creative ways. Sometimes these spells are incredible while other times they can be problematic. Annie uses magic primarily by intuition, not being particularly fond of memorization, and enjoys learning how different elements can interact. She possesses incredible comprehension and understands magic deeply, even compared to master mages. She has tried explaining this knowledge to others but it tends to be difficult to express or follow.

Beast Companion

When Annie was quite young and still living within the Tenebrous Chain, she encounters a unique creature, the two of them are drawn to each other. While exploring the deep forests of the Chain, she encounters a creature which appears to be half dragon and half wolf. Specifically, it is half water dragon and half of the same kind of wolf Duff was originally. This creature is intelligent and has immense potential within it. Because of her position, Annie has been allowed to keep it as her beast companion and they expect Bubbles will likely become her familiar when older. They are unsure exactly what this beast will become but, much like with Annie, they have high hopes.


Euan MacFheargus
Shi Yang Portrait 2
Despite her usually restrained and insulated lifestyle, Annie manages to find herself unexpectedly stuck between two lovers! Euan she readily welcomes into her life, albeit with confusion and uncertainty on her part. Their romance develops naturally, the two of them immediately attracted to each other. But as their secret relationship is found out, and a distance is imposed between them, Euan's tendency to wander opens the door for Shi Yang to enter into the mix. A side of Annie long restrained exposes itself amid his unfaithfulness, a side that draws the intense but aromantic interest of Yang, drawn to her ire and inner fire as Yang would phrase it. While Annie is confused by the tempest of emotions directed toward Yang, both girls find something unexpected in their exchanges. And thanks to Yang's position as a princess of Zhongguo, she is considered an appropriate friend for Annie, still befuddled by what has developped between them. Her once dull, isolated life becomes quite the ride of confusion, passion and self-discovery!



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