Shi Yang (She Yah-ng)

As seen in

Princess Yang Shi

Divine Descendant
Royal, Princess
Si Xiang
16 years
Infantry Division

Aerial Division
Close Combatant

Midrange Combatant
Throwing Knives

Besida's Form

Besida's Form grants Yang attributes of the Zhuque, the Vermillion Phoenix. She can manifest colorful vermilion feathers anywhere on her body and extremely long, wispy tailfeathers that sway about airily. She can heat her feathers into extremes, burning or incinerating foes upon contact. Most notable is the Zhuque's
Shi Yang in Flight
famous ability, Ferith's Rebirth, which she is able to access only because she is a divine descendant. Fire and heat of any kind, including lava, can heal her, restore energy, sustain her and even replace lost flesh or bring her back from the brink of death!
Ralgotar's Blades

Using Ralgotar's Blade, Yang can generate obsidian blades from her hands, arms and shoulders. She prefers swords, daggers and spears, wielding them as weapons, ejecting them as projectiles or keeps them melded to her arms. She can even convert the feathers on her
arms into obsidian and launch them like throwing knives! These obsidian blades are extremely sharp and shatter easily, breaking off into wounds and continuing to shred opponents from the inside. She can also heat her blades, which are technically cooled lava, into extreme temperatures but this quickly eats up energy.

Shi Yang is the close combatants in Unit C211 alongside Andrea Stahlmann. She is the sole heir of one of four dynasties competing to rule Zhongguo, the Si Xiang, even after the Kingdom of Accia annexed Zhongguo. However, Yang wasn't raised like most of her kin in the palace. She was the disgraced daughter of a banished concubine, only rising to her current station after her father died with no other heirs.

Yang is unbiddenly flirty, chaotic, hedonistic and self-assured yet she also has her own unique allure and keen insight. She isn't the type to plot out her future, living her life completely in the moment. In her eyes, politics are amusing but petty, this once poor brothel girl taking advantage of opportunities she only ever dreamed of. Because of her intense kaithur and difficult past, she has developed a taste for pain, fighting and living her life haphazardly. Yang and Eshana Chakrabarti immediately honed in on each other as companions, both girls proudly prolific and born for the spotlight. Currently, she has her sights set on Euan MacFheargus due to both his personality and for how their kaithur interact in battle, feeding and healing her.

On the battlefield, Yang is both beautiful and elegant like a dancer but savage and unsettling, undeterred by and even hungry for further injury whether that be her own or her enemy's. She fights haphazardly, relying on her allies to heal her with fire and explosive kaithur but she can just as easily burn foes with her volcanic blades and punishing tailfeathers! She is capable of flight but, as her arms transform into wings rather than sprouting from her back, these movements are awkward and choppy so she prefers fighting on the ground. Yet it isn't uncommon for her to spring up briefly to assess the battlefield or glide about. The greatest danger comes from her obsidiant blades, hot volcanic shards which break apart into wounds. She makes little attempt to protect herself, her wispy feathers swaying unpredictable amid her deadly dance and incinerating all they touch!


Cis Female
Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Ebony Black,
Extensive and
Cool Porcelain

Looking very much like her mother, Yang is slender and strikingly beautiful. This is one of many weapons at her disposal, luring enemies into believing her defenseless or delicate. Her impressive healing abilities have left unmarred by a single scar despite frequent injury. She dresses how she wants, adorning herself with elegant jewelry and luxurious silks but often showing off her voluptuous body with pride. She prefers silk for its texture, otherwise modifying clothing at her whim, totally disreguarding Huaren tradition for her own tastes.

Shi Yang Portrait 1

Shi Yang Sticker

magic form

Much like Wu Zetian, a distant relative, Yang descends from the Aethid Ralgotar, making her a Divine Descendant. Her divine blood lets Yang tap into her elemental connections in ways ordinary people can't and her magic form borders on the inhuman. Yang can take on attributes of a Zhuque across her entire body and she possesses more energy than the ordinary human. While capable of manifesting feathers across her body, wings, avian legs and a beak, Yang dislikes how it makes her look. Rather than emerging from her back, her arms transform into wings instead, and her tailfeathers are poorly suited for flight. Instead, these feathers are extremely long and wispy, floating about unpredictably as she moves. When she does manifest them, her beak and avian legs are long and slender like that of a crane.


While Yang is the only heir to Zhuhong Wangchao, her childhood was a far from ideal. Instead of a pampered life in the lofty palaces of Penglai Shan, Yang grew up in the shadow of this gilded volcano. Her mother was once a concubine of the Vermillion Prince but before she could sire him an heir, she was caught in an affair. She was banished from Pengali Shan and sold into a brothel in Yanjing. When she gave birth to Yang, all assumed her daughter was a product of the affair or a brothel customer, her claims to royalty totally dismissed. Yang was raised in the red light district of this massive city, facing many hardships and watching her mother's health decline. They were both abysmally poor, Yang working in the brothel from a young age as an errand girl and housekeeper. Quickly becoming familiar with brothel life, she was desensitized to the horrors of poverty and sex work.

When Yang's father died with no other heirs and Yang clearly displayed the Kaithur characteristic of the Vermillion Dynasty, she was brought to court and began her martial training--though the full story is far more dire. Her mother had already passed away and Yang worked in the brothel for a number of years, this fact officially swept under the rug. Of course, this didn't stop her peers in the palace from dismissing and even persecuting Yang for her background, most of these lofty royals looking down on her by labeling her as vulgar and impure. Yet Yang eventually wore her scars and experiences as badges of honor. Shi Yang has little attachment to her position and lives her life at her own pace, taking advantage of her new opportunities and living her life as she had always dreamed of, when she had nothing.


Despite her current pride in all she has survived, Yang was horribly miserable, listless if not derelict in her youth. Having more than a difficult childhood, Yang and her mother were impossibly poor and taken advantage of at every turn. Her mother saw little to none of her profits. Despite her beauty, she was the property of the brothel and Yang wasn't much better off. Both women incurred debt faster than they could possibly work it off, doomed to live out their lives in the gutters of this otherwise grand city. The madame running the brothel was particularly cruel to Yang as her personal errand girl, dissatisfied no matter how hard Yang worked and keeping her ever on the edge of starvation.

Worst of all, almost immediately after Yang's mother passed away, Yang was forced to replace her as a prostitute while she was still far too young. But who was Yang to turn to? It was amid these desolate and dispicable circumstances that Yang's masochism developped, more a survival mechanism to cope with her entrapment. She eventually earned a reputation as the pheonix of the red light district, taking her life and career into her own hands using her unique kaithur. It was this reputation which caught the attention of the Zhuhong Wangchao when they were desperately seeking an heir. Now, despite a traumatic and tumultuous childhood, Yang has come into her own after being freed from her birdcage, reborn as a true phoenix as she rises from the ashes of her old life!


Shi Yang Portrait 2

Despite what many assume or gossip, Yang is neither vapid or insane. She has a good eye for people and a keen understanding of both human nature and society. While still quite chaotic and unpredictable, Yang is cautious about who she lets in and out of her life. In fact, while sexually prolific Yang is strictly aromantic. Yang sleeps around at her whim, seeing no point in chastity and highly pansexual, even readily taking part in polygamous relationships. Yet she is fast to bail when lovers become sentimental. Her trust is hard earned if not impossible to gain entirely but one might never guess, Yang readily throwing herself out there again and again. She especially seeks out people with a fiery spirit and powerful will, if not a sadistic side she enjoys toying with at her pleasure. While she readily befriends a number of people who catch her interest, including Eshana, Tia, Arabella, Ifani, Fiadh, Bridget and Lina, and many a lover, there are few who draw close enough to test her defenses. The only two lovers who draw Yang so close and keep her coming back are Euan MacFheargus and Annie Nash, these three caught in a dramatic love traingle which pushes all of them to expand their horizons.



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