Tia Minx

As seen in

Lady Tia Minx (a.k.a. Tsuki)


ex-human, Divine Descendant
Turned into Shape Shifter
Noble, heir of
House Minx
16 years

Aerial Division
Aerial Combatant
Close Combatant
Midrange Combatant
(broad sword, katana)


Shape Shifter

Tia has bonded to a creature called an Elemental Familiar. While this is similar to an ordinary familiar bond, linking their souls and abilities, this link has transformed Tia into a strange and chimeric being—a Shape Shifter. These are a mysterious species, very little known about them outside of their role as boogeymen and villains in folkore. After her transformation, Tia finds herself capable of altering her physical appearance at will and, fantastically, she can collect and take on the kaithur of all those she touches! However, there is something far more sinister in play. Strange dark powers are cropping up faster than she can keep track alongside nightmares involving strange entities. At the urging of her new beastial partner, Duff, and her family, this change is to be kept a dire secret! After all, shape shifters are the most reviled species in the Kingdom of Accia.

Birth Form

Ithisda's Body
Tia's Watery Form

With Ithisda's Body, Tia was born with the ability to convert her entire body into liquid water! While she can maintain her human shape she is capable of freely changing her shape or merging into freshwater in her environment, traveling along it and reformign elsewhere, interacting with surroundings in whatever way that water can. This isn't without its dangers as anything that damages, alters or
destroys her water will harm her or even destroy her flesh. If she loses enough water, she can die, but she can also replace what she has lost with clean water! She must reform into human shape before converting back, stuck in her watery form until she can. Ithisda's Body is an extremely rare ability which is considered the ultimate expression of Ithisda's magic.

Sylthari's Aura

With Sylthari's Aura, Tia is able to generate celestial light such as moonlight or starlight from her body, taking on an etherial glow. This light can also carry mental affects related to Sylthari such as charming, fixation and mesmerization but Tia hasn't trained with these abitlies. There seems to be more to her celestial magic but she doesn't fully understand them.Especially since she has
Tia's Gleam
trouble manifesting this form without fully converting her body into water.

Maralith''s Form

Maralith's Form grants Tia features of a Minx which includes their eyes, ears, fangs, claws, wings and tailfeathers. She is even able to hiss!

Beranok's Aura

Using Beranok's Aura, Tia is able to generate electricity from her own body and project it outward. With practice, she can generate different voltages and run it through weapons. Thanks to Tia's large amount of energy, she is capable of astonishing charges which resemble lightning!

Tia is the daughter of Allen and Mina Minx. She was raised in Nippon which had remained insulated and cut off from most of the world for some time. Because of their unfamiliarity with foreigners, Tia spent much of her earrly years severely ostracized. Her father was acting as a diplomat for the Kingdom of Accia and they lived in the capital of Nippon. Tia spent most of her time with her mother, sometimes retreating to Mina's home in the mountains. Tia lived a quiet albeit lonely life until civil war broke loose in the Celestial Archipelago. She and her family were forced to retreat to Allen's homeland—something he had never wanted for Tia. He had told her little to nothing of his home or past, raising her as normally and innocently as he could manage. When they arrive in the Kingdom of Accia, Tia is shocked to learn her father's position as a Duke of The Ten Houses, quite uncomfortable with any role of nobility.

She is further jarred and irrevocably changed the night her mother disappears. On the cusp of death, a mysterious creature changes Tia into a Shape Shifter in order to save her life—Duff. Due to the events of this night she is also forced to use her new abilities to alter her appearance, taking in a new face and pretending to have inherited her father's magic. Duff is rather tight lipped about her abilities and Tia has to slowly figure out what she has become in a new and unfamiliar home. Tia will struggle to navigate her new life, keep her secret and forge new relationships while training for her impending military service.

One of the great mysteries to Tia and the forces seeking her is how and why Tia has become and continues to progress as a shape shifter of her dark element. Tia does not match the typical profile of others before her. She is not cryptic, secretive or brooding. She is bright, earnest, energetic and honest. She despises deception, solitude, maliciousness and plotting. Even further a surprise is her ability to synchronize so rapidly with her element where others may require decades or even lifetimes. It creeps up on her faster than she can manage it. But there is more to Tia than any might expect, even herself. As Tia learns what she is she will struggle to maintain the boundary between herself and the changes which threaten to overtake her. She will wrestle with her own identity and will come to rely on the friendships she culminates. But outside forces and ambitious interlopers will put these connections to the test.


Quite petite and gracile if not lissome. She appears fragile but is actually fairly sturdy, never having treated herself delicately. She is still striking with porcelain skin, a spattering of freckles across her face, shoulders and arms, wild and stark white hair. Her irises swirl with indigo and violet hues. Petite and somewhat short, she isn't nearly as long limbed as her mother.

In her birth form, Tia's face has delicate features with a splattering of freckles. She has purple eyes and stark white white hair, thick and unmanagable. This makes her appear delicate and feminine, unlike her behavior and attitude. In her Minx disguise, her hair becomes russet brown, her irises are greenish brown, her face is more rounded and her skin has more red to it. She often activates her form casually, taking on brown lynx ears and emerald green eyes. Yellow patterns and stripes appear across her body and around her eyes.


ITS Emotes

Apparel and Equipment

Hates ornate or obstructive attire while young, preferring comfortable, athletic and practical garments which don't obstruct her movements. Sometimes she wears masculine clothes, disliking traditional dresses, readily breaking gender norms when pressed. Her preferences change as she ages and becomes more comfortable expressing her own style. She always has a love for Yaxiyan clothing, reminding her of her childhood. While Tia prefers clothing that doesn't get in her way, she doesn't mind dressing up for a special occassion.

As she gets older and starts experimenting with her appearance, as she starts to embrace her own inner darkness her taste in clothing changes too. She leans into the persona of a demon of darkness, less afraid to appear feminine as her confidence grows. Tia's only gear is a katana which once belonged to her mother's family, Tokui-ten.

Mina's Katana
(Ch 15 spoiler)
The blade and it's sheath have been enchanted so that they are unbreakable so long as it's wielder can fuel the enchantment. These protections do not extend to their wielder, including the hands holding them. The blade itself can channel any magic poured into it thanks to an inlay of powderized syltharian crystals, especially blade manifestations. Tokui-ten easily eats up large amounts of energy from its wielder, potentially fatal to the average wielder. Only an Allmage, divine descendant or even an Aethid can readily wield it to it's true potential.


Tia was born and raised in the Celestial Archipelago. Because this nation is so insulated from he outside world, Tia suffered intense ostracization by those her age who had never met a foreigner before. Tia would spend the majority of her time with her mother, her father when he wasn't at court or alone in nature. Eventually, she did befriend one person but he insisted on keeping their identities from each other. They were secret friends. Otherwise, Tia spent the majority of her time exploring the wild mountain forests of Nippon or reading at home. Because of this gentle, carefree life, moving to Accia is a massive culture shock for her.

Tia has suffered extreme ostracism and struggles to cope with the disappearance and abandonment of her mother. She has a temper she must learn to control as well. Tia's ostracism was more severe than most could imagine and has left Tia immensely resentful. Tia did not take this ousting quietly either and this eventually led to a dramatic event. It is clear something severe occured involving Tia and a handful of other children, nobles who didn't care for a "foreign mongrel" inheriting their goddess' blood. There is a mystery of what really happened that day, as Tia's memory is unclear, or how events concluded. All that is clear is it relates to her hair and her own negative views of herself as a foreigner.


Tia can be dense about social matters but she possesses strong comprehension. She has a sharp tongue, her words cutting deep when angered and she has a skill for cutting through facades and defenses with her acerbidity. She can be contrary and non-conforming, becoming obstinate quickly when challenged or insulted. Despite this, she possesses strong empathy and altruism. While she is naturally cynical, she chooses to cling to hope and positivity to keep herself going. Some would describe her as sunny but she also possesses an inner bitterness and darkness.


Tia tries to emulate the behavior and choices she wants to see in the world. She recognizes the worst in humanity but is also passionate about creative potential and wants to bring out the best in people. While politics and the like exhaust her, she was very stricken by a friend once telling her that she should use the immense power she has acquired to help people who are unable to change their own world.


In the beginning, Tia seeks to set up bonds and relationships, fearing loneliness and solitude. She also cares deeply for her family and enjoys exploring and interacting with nature and/or magic. She finds various other motivations along her journey including figuring out what she's become. As her journey continues, Tia seeks to better the world for the rejects and outcasts she has befriended and come to empathize with. She believes she is responsible for using the power she has stumbled into for those who cannot affect their own world.

Virtues and Flaws

Tia herself is stubborn, earnest, contrary and a bit of a wildling. She struggles socially and can jump to conclusions defensively but she still strives to be the friend she wants others to be to her. She will try too hard to be what others want at times or stifle herself for the comfort of others. She can come across as spacey and dense but while she isn't academically skilled, she has strong comprehensive abilities. She enjoys getting lost, whether it be in nature, adventure or a good story and is thrilled by the magic in the world around her. She especially finds catharsis in exploration of nature.

Tia is persistent, earnest, passionate altruistic, adaptive, comprehensive, sincere and wild. She doesn't realize it but she has a way of drawing people to her and continuously surprising those who try and figure her out. She tries endlessly to bring happiness to those who have accepted her, even the slightest amount, and becomes immensely protective. Despite her tendency to try and please these few, she hates conformity and is deeply uncomfortable in various situations where all but she understands what they are "supposed" to be doing. Tia is relatively independant and adaptive as she had to learn so many things on her own. Tia hates keeping secrets from those she cares for too, naturally candid and open.

Tia's Shadow

Tia isn't without her flaws. She is rapidly defensive and reactive to any form of social rejection or exclusion, large or small, and is quick to become bitter or cynical. Tia is equally fast to jump to conclusions and push others away for the smallest infraction, all to protect herself. Outside of those who have accepted her, Tia quickly sees the flaws in those around her. She sees their fears and insecurities, their prejudices, and crosses lines with her cutting words. She readily thrashes social conventions she finds problematic, regardless of what trouble she may stir. Later, Tia even takes to hoarding items she likes thanks to Vokda's influnce. Worst which she will wrestle with is her fiery temper, sometimes losing herself to her hunger for revenge and her dangerous outbursts.


Clumsy and clueless. She is unaware of or unpracticed when it comes to casual interactions and norms. Despite this, she can be empathetic and relate to the difficulties of others. She also isn't one to fold to social pressures, far too stubborn, but pressure from her friends is another story entirely easily folding to keep them happy. Alternately, she can be selfish at times as she isn't used to anyone besides her family and herself looking out for her and prefers to handle situations herself rather than ask for help.

Tia lacks confidence and can be very awkward, nervous or standoffish, usually defaulting to anger or embarrassment when she isn't sure what is expected or normal. She is wholly unfamiliar with social norms and commonalities, especially in casual situations. She is continually frustrated by her weakness and lack of control over her life,.

Tia is haunted by the ghost of ostracism, stumbling through social interactions and quickly assuming the worst at any sign of rejection or exclusion. She also has to fight to learn anything about the strange things that keep happening to her, Duff keeping everything he can from Tia. She must learn what is and isn't healthy, to not lose herself in pleasing others out of desperation. She navigates the majority of these while also evading the traps and mechanisms of those hunting her.

Friends and Allies

Tia is the aerial combatant in the Unit Z909-Storm Unit, sometimes called the reject unit. Her closest friends are Albert Monet, Ifani Brandt, Euan MacFheargus and her secret friend Al who is in reality Aldric Syltharis. She is also being romantically pursued by another unit-mate, Orin Philippe but she is undecided on whether she will reciprocate his affections yet. After such a lonely childhood, Tia will instead be pulled in every direction, struggling to differentiate friend from foe amid politics, romance and the scars they all carry. Especially as Andrea Stahlmann and Wu Zetian set their sights on her, jealousy and ambition driving them against her.
Zetian Chibi


Members of Tia's direct family include Allen Minx, Mina Minx, Evelyn Minx and Felicity Minx. However, Tia has relatives on her mother's side she is yet unaware of and is only recently becoming familiar with the Minx House.

Tia was once closest to her mother but was always living in Mina's enormous shadow. Beautiful, elegant, poised, feminine. Mina doted on and adores Tia but unwittingly left her daughter feeling inadequate and uncertain of herself. Worst of all is the way they were separated—betrayal and abandonment. Now every happy memory is tainted by resentment for the woman she always admired most and had always fallen back on in her loneliness. Tia hasn't even begun to tackle the mountain of emotions in regards to her mother.

There is something more driving a wedge between this mother and daughter, Zalikar himself. There is something greater at play here, something Mina knows about Tia's dark fate she isn't willing to expose. Zalikar and his aspects continue to drop hints and let details slip of how Tia has been suppressed throughout her life, particularly by Mina. As Tia continues to tread forward into the darkness, she will inevitably unveil her mother's secrets and her own celestial legacy. Will they be able to repair their bond or will this path continue to tear them apart?

This article has no secrets.


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Jul 13, 2023 03:51 by Jacqueline Yang

I Love All of them! She's so pretty. Although, the last photo although pretty is a little weird. Just like with the cat floating in midair, and just being suspended with its head on hers. Like, okay, sure? But other than that one, this one's one of my favorites!

Jul 13, 2023 04:46 by Lee Stepp

Yeah that one was just something the AI threw out that I thought was super cute. I said to give her lynx ears so it just put a cute little actual floofy Minx on top of her head! Felt I couldn't waste it. And yeah I love Tia's look. Supposed to be a nod towards Asian moon goddesses with the white hair and then eyes like a nebula. I know the freckles aren't traditional for that but i always felt freckles look like stars so. Yeah.

Jul 13, 2023 11:31 by Jacqueline Yang

No, that's okay. Definitely leave the freckles.