Karl Anker

Lord Karl Anker

House Stahlmann
16 years
Control Division
Infantry Division
Control Support
Close Combatant
War Hammer


Gokrilvek's Aura

Using Gokrilvek's Aura, Karl is able to generate effects tied to Gokrilvek over short bursts. Some of these effects include increased or decreased gravity, strength, steadying of movements, cause people or objects to be unmovable, disabling flight, enable themselves or others to walk on any surface, allowing one to endure bludgeoning force with no damage, and even brief moments of increased size.
Martor's Manipulation

With Martor's Manipulation, he is able to manipulate metals present in their environment. This includes bending, attracting, repelling, reshaping, etc. metals within a given distance.

Karl was astonished to have been placed into such a prestigious unit, Unit C210, not a particularly high ranking noble. Karl himself has a bit of a jovial and laid back mentality. In casual settings, he is hedonistic and excitable, bringing joy to his friends. He is easily the heart of any group, boisterous and comedic. Its because of these behaviors that his intelligence comes as a surprise, as he often plays a fool during down time. Karl can be disarming when things get tense or hostile, his size and bulk cushioned by a warm smile. He likes it best when everyone is getting along and having a good time, going out of his way to make that happen. Prince Aldric, Florio, Sirius, and Faustin have all come to appreciate his company, letting him into their circle and Karl always trying to drag them into parties despite them rarely accepting. While Karl loves parties, flirting and drinking he rarely commits to an actual relationship.

Fighting Style

Karl is able to create an area with heightened gravity and has trained rigorously to be able to selectively control who it affects! He can even apply it to specific items or people. This control is a reason he was chosen to balance out unit C210. He can also manipulate metal, disarming enemies or even flinging weapons back at their wielders. Alternately, he might protect allies by hindering opponents attacks. Karl is a natural team player and has been trained to use his abilities for support first. The same could be said for how he wields his gravity magic, increasing his strength or that of his allies, steadying the inertia of attacks so they hit the mark, causing people or items to become immovable, disabling flight, walking on any surface, allowing him or allies to endure bludgeoning force with no damage and even brief moments of increased size! However, Karl has to be cautious with his use gravity magic, rapidly running out of energy if he is careless.

Karl fights with a war hammer or other heavy weapons. He frequently applies his gravity aura to increase the weight of his weapons as he swings them down, his attacks slow but devastating. While he can use his gravity and metal manipulation to protect himself, he is totally vulnerable to energy magics like fire, electricity or light. His unit-mate Wu Zetian has made a habit of leaping in front of these kinds of attacks because of her own immunity to them. There are more effects possible using Gokrilvek's Aura but Karl has only just recently begun training with them.


Cis Male
Skin Tone
Chocolate Brown
Long, Wavy
and Walnut Brown
Rose Ivory

Karl is conspicuously large and bulky, a mixture of muscle and fat giving him this stocky and strapping appearance. He keeps his wavy walnut hair long and has matching brown eyes, a warm grin a common sight on his face. Karl's magic form manifests walnut brown markings across his whole body and full brass coloration of his hands. Much of this remains obscured beneath his armor.



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