Florio Espina

Lord Florio Espina (a.k.a. Flor)

Florio Smirk

Noble, Heir of
House Espina
16 years
Special Division
Special Combatant
Special Support
Close Combatant
Midrange Combatant
Throwing Knives

Lithyr's Body
(Rose Bush)

Those with Lithyr's Body bond to a specific flowering plant when they are born and their souls are connected, their lives intertwined. Florio was bonded to a rose bush within the castle grounds of Accia. This bond is almost identical to that of a familiar but is much stronger. Florio is able to take on all physical attributes of a rose
bush, his transformation far more dramatic than a Form manifestation—he can transform every part of himself into pieces of a rose bush! This can express itself as rose petal hair, pink eyes, flesh made of cellulose, leaves and woody stems or he can generate thorns anywhere on his body and generate whole roses at will. In additon, like other Body manifestations Florio can release his physical form into a flurry of flower petals, leaves or even pollen, move in a given direction in this form and reform elsewhere. This is considered the ultimate floral kaithur. Unfortunately, his wellbeing is also tied to his bush, growing sick when it grows sick and becoming tired and lethargic when it hibernates in winter! And like a familiar, if one dies, so does the other.
Torith's Craft

Torith's Craft allows Florio to craft and generate unique poisons of his own design and imbue his plant parts with these toxins. He will often coat his thorns with these poisons but
he is capable of infusing it into any of his bodily fluids or plant parts (pollen, petals, leaves, etc.) He has a preference not for lethal poisons but for those with more unique effects such as sleep, paralysis, numbness, fever and the like. He is considered a prodigy.

Florio Icon
Florio is a house heir and the best friend of Aldric Syltharis. While Aldric acts as though Florio bothers or annoys him, they are actually very close—Florio is one of the few people to know the real Aldric. This is because Florio is one of the few people who treats Aldric like a normal person and, when Aldric's mother died, it was Florio and his family who Aldric travelled with to get away. Florio is playful, coy, humorous, honest, flamboyant and reactive. He is protective of Aldric as his own family, considering Aldric a brother, but is loyal to the crown despite his sass and occasional criticism. He can be prickly to those he dislikes.

Florio is a boy obsessed romance—the more fantastical the better! He flirts excessively and always finds a way to view the world through his rosy lens, much to Aldric's frustration. This can sometimes create a barrier between the two of them. When Florio wants to pick up girls or other similar adventures, he eventually takes to doing so with Danut Cel Tradat and Euan MacFheargus. More than anything, he wants a memorable and exciting storybook romance and dreams big.

Combat Style

When Florio fights, he flits about the battlefield focusing on debilitating opponents with his many knives and poisons. He possesses a very rare kaithur which bonded him to a specific rose bush at birth, kept safe on castle grounds. He has a very floral magic form and is able to burst into a flurry of rose petals to evade damage or to travel through the battlefield before reforming. He can also generate plant parts matching his plant familiar from his body such as thorns, pollen, petals, leaves and the like. He often combines these with his second ability which allows him to craft his own poisons with specific effects of his design. While he can craft lethal poisons, he prefers more variable effects stating these are more elegant and creative. He infuses his plant parts or even his spit and wreaks havoc on his opponents in unexpected ways.


Physically, Florio is short and diminutive. While he is not particularly muscular, he is agile and evasive. Thanks to his kaithur, Florio always smells like roses. In his magic form, he gains pink eyes and hair, almost always manifesting these features in some way alongside thorns poking out from his skin! Yet he avoids full transformations into his form, finding it too effeminate and extreme.

Cis Male

Skin Tone
Dark Brown
Black with some Pink


Chibi Prince Aldric


Florio is the Special Support member of the conspicuous unit Unit C210 alongside Prince Aldric. While Aldric is his best friend he is also close to most of the other male house heirs including Danut Cel Tradat, Faustin Aydem and Sirius Cato. Euan MacFheargus is also quick to befriend him.

Florio Sticker


Florio is always seeking out the next romance but has a history with Aisling Black, the two of them often breaking up and getting back together. Her emotional insulation repeatedly pushes him away but she believes he will always come back to her. But Florio's focus is firmly forward, determined to find the romance of a lifetime now that he has joined AMTP. In particular, he is pursuing a ger he calls his specter.

Cortez Fecundo


Florio's uncle Cortez Facundo is actually the head of the Medical Department in AMTP. Florio has always looked up to his uncle who was his tutor in the crafting of poisons, both possessing Torith's Craft. However, Florio quickly surpassed his uncle in this craft and is considered a prodigy. His uncle is still aways trying to impress Florio who has failed to recognize his uncle's faults.


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