
One of the Ten Houses of the Kingdom of Accia and considered one of the most influential. Their family is famous for their racial magic, Martor's Body, which allows them to convert their entire body into a given kind of metal or alloy. They oversee the northern portion of the Eluzian Valley, possessing both farmland and a number of ore mines grazing the Burnished Spine. Other blessings common in their family, in their region in general, primarily include aspects of Ylithuum.

Their family has gained considerable power and influence by allying themselves with the Aquila House and Martin Stahlmann via marriage. Duke Gunther Stahlmann had two sisters. Millicent Aquila was married to Duke Marcus Aquila and Beatrice Stahlmann to Martin. Both the Stahlmann and Aquila houses have produced strong, capable Heirs as well, Andrea Stahlmann and Martia Aquila. Many at court have their eyes set on matching or crippling these houses as they have left the political balance skewed.

The Stahlmanns are from the northern region of the Eluzian Valley. They are stark supporters of the crown and the kingdom, fiercely loyal and steadfast. Gunther in particular is extremely nationalistic and has a distaste for anything foreign. Unfortunately, he has passed this onto his daughter, only strengthened by a traumatic experience while living on the southern frontier which took her mother's life. Despite this, they are reliable and hard working, respecting strength.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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