Sending Stone

Sending Stones are small trinkets that have been imbued with magic to create a link between another Sending Stone. They can take many forms from a broach to a simple rock.   There are two types of Sending Stones:
  • Lesser: Sets of two that are only able to communicate with their pairing stone and can only deliver audio, which are fairly common.
  • Greater: Individual stones that can be paired with other stones of this type by two willing creatures. These stones vary in abilities and rarity, with the rarest being stones that can project a miniature hologram of the two communicating.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Lesser sending stones are dependent on each other, if one is destroyed or disenchanted then both stones no longer work.   Greater sending stones can function independently and create links with other greater stones by touching them together. However, some greater stones have “parent” stones that create a network between other stones with the same parent, enabling communication between stones without creating a link manually. The magical ability of these children stones can be altered or terminated at the parent stone.

Manufacturing process

Enchant an item with Evocation magic


The Fandelian Conscription Unit was given one in the shape of a Fandelian Militia badge by Collum McThom. However that stone has stopped working and so Night Watch created new ones for each of the party, which share their own network.

PCs' Contact List

  Epon Dorash
Levi Doyle
Collum McThom
Dalyla Hope
Yvet Piavir
Zeva Moto
Ursula Trémaux 
Scylla Undinia 
Akshara Desai
Malinda Bellerose
Item type
Raw materials & Components
Any nonmagical item can be made into a sending stone