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Stormcrow Mercenaries

A sub-timeline describing the exploits of the Stormcrow Mercenary party.

  • 1163 A.S.

    17 Doresain
    1165 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    War of the Unholy Alliance
    Military action

    Sandro succeeds in manipulating Nighon into an alliance with the devils of Inferno to claim territory on the mainland. Mutare and Tor Anwyn meet with Xenofex and launch a joint campaign against Eoful, Avlee, and Erathia. While Inferno holds down Eoful and keeps Avlee busy, Nighon would tunnel under the Barrow Downs, neutralize the dwarves, and begin to attack Erathia. With Catherine Gryphonheart recently returned from Enroth, she was able to lead an alliance of Tatalians and tribes of Krewlod in a campaign against her father. With his forces distracted fighting the Warlocks and Overlords of Nighon, Nicolas was unprepared for an assault from Tatalia.   In a major spearhead operation, Catherine was able to take Steadwick and finally put her father to rest. With the Necromantic Order's hold on Erathia broken, Sandro was able to rally the necromancers loyal to him in a coup against those that served Nicolas. Although Sandro takes control of the Necromantic Order, he has no interest in the rule of Deyja itself. After a series of skirmishes, the problem is resolved with Commander Shortstack, leader of the goblins of Deyja, in command of the region.   With the Necromantic Order no longer in control of Erathia, Queen Catherine is able to form an alliance with King Eldritch Parson of Avlee. With the two working together for the first time in centuries, they were able to hold firm against the advances of Inferno and Nighon. The war was effectively ended when the Warlock's hold on Grainrich was shattered and Inferno was convinced to stand down.

    Additional timelines
  • 1164 A.S.

    18 Cuthbert

    Flight of Crows
    Diplomatic action

    Erathia and Avlee combine resources to hire out the entire Stormcrow Mercenary guild. Although payment must still be received for individual missions, this payment is extremely discounted and is mostly a formality. The Stormcrows split their forces to assist into several small groups to act as small task forces to assault small, high-value targets.   With the forces of Avlee and Erathia assaulting the main forces of Nighon and the Stormcrows harassing their leaders, the forward push was halted and the Warlocks were unable to capture any more ground.

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  • 1164 A.S.

    6 Kord

    Feast of Crows
    Military action

    A Stormcrow unit managed to find the location of the Nighon forward command position in charge of coordinating the assault and capture of territory in Grainrich with the assistance of the Iron Heart Goblins. Although they suffered a great deal of damage in the process, the unit was able to eliminate the commander of the post. With this command post lost, the major Warlock operations in the area fall into disarray. The Warlocks are forced to move in small units without any real ability to communicate.

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  • 1164 A.S.

    11 Weejas

    Murder of Crows

    A unit of the Stormcrow Mercenaries, acting upon information they received from an unknown source, tracked down and assaulted several Nighon outposts, severely disrupting the smaller operations they had on the mainland. With their main supply depot, their scouting groups, and several research groups dispatched, the Warlocks of Nighon were forced to consolidate their forces in the Grainrich region in order to defend their remaining assets on the mainland.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    Collapse of Grainrich
    Disaster / Destruction

    A collaboration of Erathian and Avleean forces destabilize the warlock forces in Grainrich, forcing them back into the tunnels under Stone City. During the last sweep of the tunnels, the warlocks are forced to concede defeat. In a fit of anger, Dungeon Overlord Mutare sets off an explosion to try to kill a unit of Stormcrows but instead destabilizes the tunnels. The collapse of the tunnel causes a chain reaction in the region that causes the Grainrich region around the Barrow Downs to collapse. The landscape of the region falls 30 feet except for the areas anchored to solid stone. Only three barrows are accessible by foot. The others can only be accessed by magic.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    3 Boccob

    Phoenicia Returns to Enroth
    Life, Relocation

    Phoenicia Prince, with a unit of Stormcrow Mercenaries, returns to Enroth after her evaluation of an up-and-coming unit. The Stormcrow mercenaries are assigned to the Crawfish clan, a sister organization from Enroth, on a semi-permanent basis until which time they are released form this duty.   This contract was expensive for the Crawfish Clan, but the potential payoff far outweighs the investment.

  • 1165 A.S.

    8 Cuthbert

    Corlagon's Mistake
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Crawfish Clan, with the assistance of their Stormcrow brethren, is tasked with the discovering the location of Corlagon Daigotsu's manor, which has disappeared. Once located, they were to search the premises for any notes or journals regarding Corlagon's research into the Taint. Discovering that hidden his manor on the Ethereal Plane, they managed to disrupt the spell enough to reveal the door and enter.   Inside, they discovered that Corlagon had cloned himself to create a private army of soldiers, although only a remnant remained within the estate. They also discovered that almost all of them were Tainted beyond recovery and had to destroy those they initially found. Only having numbers and not given names, Soldier 45 found the group and helped how he could.   With the knowledge obtained from Soldier 45, they learned that Corlagon had found one of the Elemental Chimes and was conducting experiments on it while researching the Taint during the Succession War. Although he believed it contained, the influence of the chime broke its containment after one of the Urtiv units broke their psychic link in panic, collapsing the psychic field. This collapse lead to the almost all 50 of the Urtiv units in the estate becoming heavily corrupted with Taint, one Urtiv in particular receiving almost double the effect of the others. Corlagon himself, heavily corrupted by the event, fled the estate with the chime and headed to Castle Alamos.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    16 Doresain

    Purging of the Pack
    Life, Death

    In their search for Lord Kilburn, Phoenicia and the Stormcrows arrive in Blackshire to see if they can trace his trail back. During their search, they uncover evidence of a werewolf pack in the region. Catherine Blackshire, head of the Boar Clan in the absence of her husband, provides information for the group but they learn nothing conclusive.   After scouting the region, they spot a pack of wolves running in formation toward a point in the forest and learn that a pack of werewolves are using a secret portal into caves in the Sentinel Mountains. Catherine Blackshire was found locked within the cave but turned on the party when questioned, revealing herself as a werewolf as well. After killing her, they discovered that she had been turning civilians into werewolves and then corrupting them to turn them into living weapons. While scouting the cave, they came upon William Blackshire, head of the Boar Clan and Catherine's husband. He reveals that all Blackshires are werewolf purebloods and that Catherine had betrayed the pack by increasing the pack's numbers without the approval of the alpha.   As they cleared the cave, they found werewolves that had not fully turned yet or corrupted, who William took into his care. Also found was the body of Lord Kilburn. As they leave the cave, the party encounters the Smiling Man, a mysterious figure who seemed to have instigated the entire operation. After discussing the operation, the Smiling Man left the cave and disappeared, evidence suggesting he somehow managed to fly away in the night. William Blackshire agreed to provide aid and information in gratitude and lets the party know that Catherine sent shipments north to Kriegspire that are unaccounted for.

  • 1165 A.S.

    20 Farlangh

    Favors for Favors
    Diplomatic action

    After repeated contact with the Smiling Man, the Stormcrows manage to come to an agreement, of sorts. Although there is no trust between the Stormcrows and the Smiling Man, they both seem to be aligned toward a similar goal.   The Stormcrows find that the Smiling Man is an incubus of high position in the demonic ranks but that he is secretly working against the forces in charge of the demonic invasion. With his lack of resistance to the Stormcrow's attack, they were able to prevent Nicole Blackshire, now a werewolf and proof of the Smiling Man's involvement in sabotage efforts against his master, from falling into demon hands.

  • 1165 A.S.

    13 Obad-hai

    Tensions Build in Antagarich
    Diplomatic action

    Rising tensions between Erathia and Avlee put the populace of Antagarich into a heightened state of paranoia. Outside a few unaligned areas, elves and humans refuse to even interact with each other. Racism between the two nations begins to reach an all-time high.   It has reached the point that even the Stormcrow Mercenary company, comprising elves, humans, and others, withdrew support from Erathia as a country and now only accepts private contracts. Any contracts that seem to support one country over the other, even having a squad in Imperial Enroth, have been cancelled and any payment received has been refunded for the time cancelled.

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  • 1166 A.S.

    4 Bahamut

    Test of the Five
    Life, Crime

    The Stormcrow mercenaries are tasked by the Dark Scorpions with the infiltration of the Council of Clans to locate the entrance to a hidden basement chamber. While there was no time limit given, the ideal window for infiltration was shortly after the end of the Council as the major military presences would have left and the chambers would not yet have been sealed up again.   Utilizing previous connections, the mercenaries were able to secure entrance to the facility and managed to distract the staff long enough to find the entrance to the basement. It was then discovered that the infiltration was a test of the group's abilities. The five leaders of the Dark Scorpions, led by Don Zaloog, showed them into the secret underground facility below the council chambers, which happened to house the Archives of Enroth.   The Dark Scorpion leadership informs them that they had been hired to restore the functions of the Archives after Archibald Ironfist removed the Crystal Matrices that housed all the past history of the planet. Information the Dark Scorpions had acquired pointed to Castle Alamos, Castle Kriegspire, and Castle Darkmoor as the resting places of the three crystals they had not managed to recover.

    Free Haven
  • 1166 A.S.

    5 Doresain

    Infiltration of Alamos
    Criminal Activity

    The mercenaries obtain permission from the Ox clan to "study the interior" of Castle Alamos, allowing them to bypass the magical seals placed on the castle.  With a member of the Ox clan acting as a chaperone, the group began exploring the ground floor of the castle.   The castle's magical defenses had been activated, providing a challenge for the group.  Shifting between each of the three core planes, the group kept finding shadows and echoes of past events that seemed to be aware of the group's presence.  While their time on the ethereal plane proved challenging enough with the castle's traps active, the plane of shadow proved to be far more perilous, with an entity belonging to the plane proving extremely hostile to the group and killing their chaperone.   Managing to finally disable the first-floor defenses, the group proceeds to the second to find that further defenses bar their path.  Several elemental crystals are being used as a barrier to prevent any from proceeding further and are defended by corrupted elemental spirits, as well as a series of dangerous traps.  After releasing the spirits from the crystals, the spirits escape and leave the barrier without power.   In the labs on the upper floors, the group find several sealed rooms that store powerful magical items but defended by experiments of Corlagon.  Fatigued from their battles thus far, the party manage to make it into the inner-most lab of the castle.  The party find the Sapphire Matrix and the Chimes of Heaven but they are sealed away behind a powerful barrier fueled by the power of a powerful magical being.  Although they manage to find the key that allows them to bypass the barrier, their curiosity gets the better of them.   They awaken the being held in stasis in the room, releasing a lethal cloud of Taint into the room. Although they survive, the corruption leaves them sick with its power.  The being identifies itself as Juli Mizrahi, advisor to Loretta Fleis and daughter of Corlagon.  She had been trapped within her father's corrupted body while he walked free in hers.  She requested to remain sealed within the castle to prevent the Chimes of Heaven from being released from its barrier.   With the Sapphire Matrix in hand and their mission complete, the group leave the castle and return to the Ox settlement.