Barony Collinvenn

The war between families: Vinbaux and DeselotteThere is a low scale war between two noble families in the barony. It has been going on for a generation but the hostility is way older. It is said to have started when one male member raped and killed a female member of the other family. The recent war started when one of the families claimed that the cart filled with goods was stolen by the other family. They found proof of it in the place of ambush, and the last three years the "war" have raged. Once there was an siege but the baron interwined and declared he would accept no such thing, but would otherwise not meddle in their businesses. A proud Raxorian baron et cetera.....


  • Master of arms: Herbert Corvix is the oldest son of teh baron and he tries to be like his father which leads to disputes and heated arguments with his father.


The barony colinvenn is a very conservative part where the Raxorian culture is held in high esteem.
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Feudal state
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Articles under Barony Collinvenn