Georoumme Baugge

Lord Baugge

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a quite normal body, that is beggining to show a little belly. His endurance isn't as well as it could be, but he spends much time in the office.

Body Features

He is quite hairy, and there are many straws in his ears

Facial Features

He has a full beard which he keeps well groomed.

Identifying Characteristics

He wears many rings and chains.

Apparel & Accessories

He is well dressed and has a large wardrobe. According to many he spent to much of his money on clothes.

Mental characteristics


He have been trained by personal tutors during his childhood. When he became 13 he were sent to the Lyceum of Pendonne for tutoring where he spent 5 years.


He has started a small trading business, where he trades his fathers resources. It makes a profit, but that is about it. He is constantly looking for ways to improve the business.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He have started a small trade business which is profitable. He managed to persuade his father to tear down buildings and create a good road to the market inside the town.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed a few courses during his stay at the Lyceum. It was the more estoteric and philosophical courses he could not see any use in.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a very down to earth and pragmatic man. He believes in the feudal system, but prefer to create his own standing in the world to make sure he is well fed.   He believes trade is the future and that the nobles should master it, rather than warfare.

Morality & Philosophy

He isn't very religios but pay lip service to the church. He prefer magic before prayer as with magic you can see a result immidiatly.

Personality Characteristics


Securing his trading business and in that way his personal wealth

Likes & Dislikes

He loves his family and will do his best to protect them.   He loves his fiancee.   He dislikes jousts and warfare.

Vices & Personality flaws

He enjoys food and wine a little to much.


Family Ties

The count of Fort la Nord is his father

Religious Views

He is part of The shining path, but not very religious.

Social Aptitude

He is very charismatic and have a pragmatic mind. Most people like him and respect him.


He has a very open mannerism that people generally like. He has a aptitude for the language and usually speaks well using many words.

Hobbies & Pets

He breeds doves. He uses them for his business, but mostly because he enjoys it.


He has a aptitude for the language and usually speaks well using many words.


Valentia Baugge

sister (Vital)

Towards Georoumme Baugge



Georoumme Baugge

brother (Vital)

Towards Valentia Baugge



Georoumme Baugge

brother (Important)

Towards Guilliam Baugge



Guilliam Baugge

brother (Important)

Towards Georoumme Baugge



Wealth & Financial state

He is a part of the noble family Baugge and as such has access to their wealth. But he is buildning his own through trading.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
590 A.O. 22 Years old
Valentia Baugge (sister)
Guilliam Baugge (brother)
Current Residence
Clear blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light but tanned
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Jori - Excellent Erebos - Excellent Dalci - Can hold conversation Elvish - Staggering Dwarfish - Staggering