Knights of the Sun

The order of the Knights of the sun is a common sight in both Kardien and Zorakin. The order is influenced and influences both Kardien and Zorakin as its members are made up by nobles of the kingdoms.   The knights of the sun is an order whom are directly led by the exark and as such the tenements of the Shining sun are the guiding light for all members to live by. All members are expected to pray at least by sundawn and sunset, exceptions are made in war and battle if the situation demands it. All members are expected to be able to fight, but as knights grow old or sick they are to be excused. Older members are often released from their vows and leave for their families to live out their last years of life. Knight or squires whom are not able to fight in wars due to terminal illnes, battle injuries or old age are often placed in a Shining path monastery to act as guards and train the local populance and monks to fight.   The order owns many castles which have either been given to them as a donation or been built by them as a necessity for defence. Each of their castle is an imposing sight as they are well built and covered with the orders black and golden flags and banners for all to see. The walls are always patrolled by warriors in black and gold displaying the military might of the knights of the sun. Within each castle there is always a church and on top of it the banner of the shining path makes it marks as a remainder of the fact that the exark is the head of the organisation. Within the castle the supporting buildings are often painted in black and yellow, except the riarks house which is painted white and yellow.   The knight of the Sun are supposed to protect the church and as a part of the vow they always patrol the area surrounding the orders castles. A patrol most commonly includes two knights of the order and up to four squires. All riding large battle trained horses in black clothing.   A prospective member needs the support of three knights of the sun in order to be accepted. There is no shortage of noblemen whom wants to become a member of the order. If accepted to the order the individual goes through a short period of acceptanse where his faith as well as combat prowess are tried. If he or she becomes accepted to the order he pays a 1000 silver coins, and swear the vowes of the order. The member then becomes a squire to one of the knights. This is not without problems as a noblemen of high standing can become a squire of a lesser noble.   A member of the order have to wear the orders colour at all times. It is a black tabard with a golden sun on the chest and a black cloak to go with it. Laymen who are hired to serve the order are demanded to have at least some piece of clothing with the colours to show whom they work for. As it is considered an honor to serve the order, most gladly do so. As members of the order are not riarks, they often have a riark in each castle whom are not a member of the order. The riark wear their ordinary clothing and there is no demand for them to wear the orders colours. But most of them do so any way.   For a squire or knight of the order are allowed to use any weapon or armour of their own choice but they are required to wear the tabard and cloak at all time, and keep them clean and whole. All knights wear their spurs, a broad white belt and a golden neckchain. Captains of the order wear the same tabard and cloak as an ordinary member, but also a black plyme in their helmet. A prior of the order wears a golden sun brosch on their chest.   The order is a knightly order and as such all knights and most squires have at least two warhorses with barding. They are trained to fight with both lance and sword from horseback, but they are trained to fight in formation on foot as well. On foot they train with spear and sword.   Vowes of the order of the knights of the sun
  • No member of the order are allowed to use magic or magic items. Exceptions are made to healing magic in battle if it is used to keep a member fighting. Healing magic is not allowed after the battle to heal the fallen.
  • All members swear to life their life for Etin and as such to live in poverty and celibacy.
  • All members swear to fight and if necessary lay down their life to protect the church and its members.


When the Exark founded the order he also decided that the order only answered to the exark personally and not the Curia or any king. And as such the leader of the organisation is the Exark of the mainland church of the shining path. The exark is not involved in any daily running of the order but instead have a small group of the highest ranking priors and an envoy of the Exark, who has the last word in decision making within the order.   The knights of the sun are organised into companies of 50 to 100 knights and one or two squires. For every ten knight there is a captain. Each company is led by a prior. Each castle is ruled by a prior whom have full authority over all personell and assets of the castle. The prior often becomes an administrator as they have to manage the castle and its resources and coexist with surrounding nobles, burghers and peasants.


The order is a very elitistic order where it is seen as a truth that people of the right breed leads and the rest follow. As such only the noble Echter from Kardien and Zoraki nobles are allowed to become members.   As all members are of noble stock the vows of poverty and celibacy are not followed and inofficially not expected to be followed. Many of the indivduals are accustomed to wealth and flagraance from birth.   The orders culture is very martial and all become very tight with each other considering all to be brothers or sisters. As they are trained in doing battle in formation and eschew their personal honor, the order is very disciplined in battle and are considered the strongest troops around the copper sea.   Hates members of the St:Justin order. Arrogant against order knightly orders.

Public Agenda

To protect the church and its wordly possesions


Every member pays 1000 silver when entering the order.   Several castles  with surrounding lands in Kardien and Zorakin.   appr 1500 knights and 2500 squires.


In its teaching the church of the shining path is a religion of peace and as such never had the need for a military arm. It could always rely on its followers to protect it. And as it became state religion in Caddo and surrounding countries it had access to the nobles protections as well. But as the great schism of the Shining path became a reality, both Zorakin and Kardien where thrown into a religious civil war.  Within both countries there where many powerful nobles whom followed the more orthodox Caddian version of the religion. The newly instituted exark dubbed them heretics and in response they attacked the holdings and personell of the church. Although the buildings where strong and easily defensible the lack of military might made the church an easy target for the nobles armies and other bandits. In response the Exark decided that the church needed its own military forces to defend itself and created an order of knights sworn to defend the church of the shining path.

For Etin in the name of Odo

Religious, Holy Order
Parent Organization
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