Efraim DeLaire

Knight Efraim DeLaire

Efraim DeLaire used to be a knight in the service of the old Count. When the count died he saw the countess go into a manic state of paranoia and decided to not swear fealty to her, but rather wait until her son becomes count. He considers her a caretaker until the count is of legal age and not a full blown countess with the right to rule.   The main issue was that the land he lives on belong to the countess and she wanted it back. She wanted to give it to a knight who swore fealty to her and which she could trust. Efraim thought it was an affront to his honour and refused to acknowledge her order. But he did fulfill all his duties to her, as a good subject and land holder. When the knight Iseaux Etoille and her friend swore by her honour him that the Countess was not mad, he decided to swear a personal oath to the Countess. And she honoured him by granting him the estate as his own land.   On the land he has a small fortified manor and four men (farmers/ servants) with their families. He trains them in how to handle the axe as a weapon. He also have a page/ squire which he is training. Part of the Delaire estate is the village Lámbra consisting of approximatly 70 individuals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is well trained as he often helps in the fields and trains with his weapons.

Apparel & Accessories

When in his home he are often dressed in well made but dirty clothes which are used in hard labour.   He have a few more noble sets of clothes and jewellery, for when needed to show he is a lord and knight of the realm.   He has a full chainmail, battleaxe, shield and lance.

Specialized Equipment

He has an ancient Raxorian Battleaxe which is magical. It is made of dwarven steel and enhanced with (Enchant weapon E1, Permanens E1) It cost one PSY point to awaken and it is done by holding the Axe and say "For Raxoria". It has been in the family for generations.

Mental characteristics


He is not very well learned and have only rudimentary skills in reading and writing.

Personality Characteristics


He is a man of honour and the will to do right. He is willing to swear fealty to the countess if he feels that she has broken out of the paranoid state he last saw her in. But the demand from her to vacate his home is putting a strain on it. He claims that when the countess son is old enough he can claim the land and if so Efraim will vacate it.

Personality Quirks

He refuses to call Eleonore Countess, and refer to her as the counts mother and guardian.


He likes to start the day with a bath in the close by stream, even before mass and breakfast. Otherwise he lets his beard and hair grow wild. As he spends much of his days outside and helping in the fields his clothes are more often than not dirty, and so are his hands.


Efraim DeLaire


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Efraim DeLaire



Before the counts death the two had a pretty good relationship.

Very lawful
Year of Birth
579 A.O. 33 Years old
Long and curly which seldom is combed. He usually ties it up a bit when he intends to work.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White but tanned
183 cm
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations