Gavori de Cortix

Count   Gavori is a true blood Raxorian who claim to be of Royal blood from the Raxori king.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gavori is of normal built and length. His long brown hair is curly and he sports a large moustasche.

Facial Features

Gavori is of fair looks which some would call handsome. He have a few small scars and blemmishes in the face but nothing to clear or dominating.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gavori grew up in a fanatic Raxorian family, where he where indoctrinated into believin the Raxorians are to be free.


As a count he is very well educated with a focus on Raxorian history. He is considered a expert in the subject and he have submitted many comments on the lore on Zoraki history in The Pendonne Lyceeum.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many of his written comments on the official written history of Zorakin are used and discussed in the Lyceum of Pendonne. Even a few scholars have traveled to discuss the subject with him.    He has also won crossbow contests and is known for being able to hit an apple from a large distance.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a calculating and patient man who plan far ahead, but are also flexible enough to adapt them as situations changes.

Morality & Philosophy

Gavori have no problem to do what is necessary to reach his goals, which is to oppose the Penner rulers. He supports bandits if necessary for example.  But he is also kind and generous against people who do not oppose his goals.

Personality Characteristics


His core motivation is the freedom of the Raxorians from the oppression of the Penner.

Likes & Dislikes

He carries a large contempt for Penner but can respect individuals.



He is loud with a vivid body languages.


Gavori de Cortix

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Olouf Baugge


Olouf Baugge

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Gavori de Cortix



They are both count beneath Duke of Saittlebeaux.

Relationship Reasoning

They meet on feasts and for diplomatic reasons, but only on a formal level.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Keeping the power of the King and Duke down and keeping the strength of the counts high.

Year of Birth
583 A.O. 29 Years old
Dark brown
Long and curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
175 cm
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations