County of Faranoueruex

County of Faranoueruex (Raxorian count)   Count: Gavori De Cortivix    
  • 4 Baronies: Barony Volliem in the south (Baron Etoille)


In the northern part of the duchy it is mostly Raxorians who makes up the peasantry, while as you traverse south the Penner becomes the mainstain of the culture.


The northern part of the county was once a part of the Raxorian kingdom while the southern part was the Penner kingdom. The county were historically the meeting place between the Penner and Raxorian kingdoms and as such has seen many battles throughout history.

Agriculture & Industry

In the northern parts of the county the landscape is hilly and filled with forests, while in the souhern parts the land is more plain with large plains who are filled with cultivated fields.

Trade & Transport

Much of the cultivated produce from the south are transported to the north, while the dairy and wool from the north are tansporte to the south.


The road which goes from north and south are vital and are somewhat maintained and patrolled regulary.
Geopolitical, County / March
Leader Title
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Notable Members
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Related Ethnicities

Articles under County of Faranoueruex