Etins daughters of the eternal light

  Etins daughters of the eternal light is a monastic order for women who focuses on prayer and healing. As such they are respected by most followers of the religion and as they have a reputation for not becoming political and never lying, their words are taken seriously.   Although they do accept children within their ranks they try to refrain children and young women to attend to the order. The sisterhood prefer women who have lived in the real world for years and have come to grips with whom they are.   There is no chasity vow and the sisters are allowed to have sexual intercourse, but they are not allowed to have love relations with other individuals. Their love is to be directed towards Etin. A sister who is discovered of having a love affair are either forced to leave the order or atone for her failure through hard work and solitude. The recipent of her love are forbidden to come close to the monastery again.   The order have no formal military arm, but within the sisterhood there are many former warriors who keep their swordarms in shape. There are a few of them who are lobbying to create a military arm to protect their convents. As of now they have to rely on protection from the local lords or religious military orders which are mostly made up of men.


Each convent is its own organisation, and the head of it answer to the Kerigass.


The sisterhood do not like magic, especially not healing magic which they think intrudes on the healing process granted from Etin. They accept magic and do not prosecute its users. But a sister will never use magic, not even to save a life. There are a few radical fundamentalists within the sisterhood who consider anyone who have had healing magic cast upon them to be tainted and unable to reach Etin when they die.   Sisters are adviced to study but mostly only studies which are meant to make them better healers. Other studies are considered unneccesary for a sister and if not forbidden, at least not encouraged.

Public Agenda

To protect and heal all of Etins people


A few monasteries who double as hospitals for the infirm. When it comes to food the monasteries are self sufficent and usually have large herb gardens as well. Mostly they are attended to by the nuns but also by patients whom are on the end o their healing process and needs to use the body as a part of rehabilitation.


The order were created by a band of female knights whom have grown weary of war and death. During a prayer meeting Etin spoke to them and told them he would be very pleased if they devoted the remainder of their life to nurture and heal instead. The group became famous and more individuals attached themselves to the group, until the exark demanded that they should become a monastic order. At this time they became an all women monastic order to honour its first members.   There is a very famous story about a zoraki force whose hospital were raided by orcs. The nuns were mostly made up of the sisterhoods whom had been warriors. They took up their swords and protected the sick. The orcs who survived and were injured were taken in and nursed as well. When the lords saw the wounded orcs they came to kill them, so the sisterhood took up their swords again to protect them. In the end when the orcs were well enough to walk they were given to the lords who hung them.

Demography and Population

The sisterhood is represented only in Zorakin and Kardian. Most of the sisterhood are made up of humans but there are some exceptions.


Etins daughters have no formal military and most women have no weapons training at all. But there are women in the organisations whom have lived a long life on the battlefields as knights and warriors before changing path. In monasterys where they are dominant most nuns gets at least a little training in order to keep themselves and their patients safe from external threats.   Some strong former commanders are advocating that they should create a military arm of the order. Their argument is that battletrained sisters could protect the sick and the monastaries better than local lords, on whom they trust today.

Divine Origins

The order were created in Zorakin.

Tenets of Faith

The order follows the tenets of The Shining Path and stays true to it. It may be harder on magic than the church itself, but the sisterhood is not as hard as Caddoism.   Lies are the way of Hemaniquel not Etin. Even obscuring truth is the way of Hemaiquel.   The life of all Etins sentinent beings are to be revered and should not be taken unless necessary to protect another life. When a creation of Etin is sick or hurt you should nurture it back to health, as all life is important.


When someone is sick or wounded you should do your best to help them, if only to give them comfort while they die.   If you can not tell the truth, do not speak. Be clear and true when you speak or do not speak at all. A Sister would much rather tell some one that they cant tell the truth in an issue rather than make up a lie.   You should not kill, when you can harm. You should not harm when you can disarm. You should not disarm when you can solve the matter peacefully.


06:00 - 08:00 The first thing to do when waking up is to pray and thank Etin for granting you one more day. Morning chores (tend to sick, make breakfast et cetera) Prayer before breakfast 08:00 - 09:00 Breakfast 09:00 -12:00  Chores 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 15:00 Chores 15:00 - 17:00 Mass 17:00 - 18:00 Dinner 19:00 - 20:00 Own time 20:00 - 21:00 Mass 21:00 - 08:00 Sleepy time

Granted Divine Powers

The sisterhood seldom loose people in their care within monasteries, and the scars are usually soft. If it is because of their extended knowledge of care or if it is a divine power is debated within the scholars of the church.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Within the part of a realm where they have a covenant they usually are well respected and can have a great deal of influence, in soft issues. The smart Lords also ask them about issues as he knows they will not lie to him. The sistehood also have a great deal of respect from the peasants and often know what is happening.


Sisters of the sword: Not really a sect but rather the name used to define those within the sisterhood who speaks for a need to create a part within the order whom are to protect the monasteries and the wounded they care for.

We heal to serve, in the name of Etin

Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The sisterhood, daughters of light
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
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