The Mad Moon

The tribe called The Mad Moon is the dominant tribe within the Burned earth Clan. The chieftan Urgnagg is a uncommon Kraukh orc as he is a quite skillful politican. As all other orc chieftans he is large, strong and brutal but he are also capable of negotiation when necessary. Once he negotiated a human settlement to pay tribute to them. If Urgnagg is threatened from within he is very capable to pit other orcs against the internal threat. Urgnagg have a human as a councilor. The human is in all manners a slave, but live a good life as long as his advice are sound.   The tribe is very well organised for blackbloods, and have two large catapults within their armory. The catapults were captured in war from humans and have been well kept.   The shieldmarkings of the tribe is a full moon, often a white circle, with a blood red X painted over it.   The earmarkings of the tribe is two circular holes at the top of the ears.

Demography and Population

Population: 460 individuals   The large majority of members of the tribe are Kraukh orcs. They make up for at least 95% of its members. There are no Ylk orcs within the tribe as they are considered ancestorial enemies and a heresy to Kraukh.   There are a few goblins to be found within the tribe who are considered full members of the tribe. Even though they are bullied by the larger orcs, they are valued for their scouting abilites. They are all wolfriders and are often patrolling the tribes land. And as they are proficient hunters, they bring back meat to the tribe. A strong reason for the chieftan to value and protect them. There are no women and children goblins, only warriors. They breed with the goblin tribe called Mad Dogs and they also find new members there when visiting.


The highlands surrounding the northern Aidne mountains. They have three permanent settlements, Atshal, Ignarth (it burned down once), Kisch.   Along the borders and within the territory the markings of the tribe will be found painted on large stones, and sometimes on produced signs. On the ground by the markings they stack skulls of enemies to the tribe.   Atshal is the largest settlement of the tribe and where Urgnagg makes his home. The settlement is chaotic and shacks are often torn down and rebuilt in a new spot. The settlement is often heard and smelled before it is seen. The loud booming voices of the orcs as they scream at each others echoes over the land, supported by the hammers of the smith as they reforge a broken weapon.  The settlement consists of several shacks and tents of different sizes surrounded by a ditch and logwalls. Along the wall spoils of war are hung to show the prowess of the tribe. There are four lookout towers which is always manned. Unfortunatly the lookouts are often snoozing as it is boring work, especially during daylight. In the centre of the settlement lies the large hole which leads into a natural cave with an underground lake. It is the settlements source of water and fungus. The fungus are cultivated by slaves who will never see the light of the sun again. Right next to the cave is the largest building and the place where Urgnagg has his throne room. West of the Atshal is a deep cliff, where the tribe disposes of waste by just throwing it over the edge. Many generations have managed to build up a mountain of trash, and the rat and scavanger population is thriving. Here is where many youngling orcs learn how to hunt and kill. In the centre of the settlement just outside the throne room there is a large pole where a large orc is bound upon. All who passes him throws rocks or other unpleasant things at him . Sometimes he is removed to be tortured, then he is put back on the pole. The orc is an emmissary from the witchmaster who tried to make peace with the tribe, and in it its extension the clan.


Warriors: 260   The warriors of the Mad Moon tribe are mostly veterans and well organised. When they go to war, the rank within the forces is well established and even death of leaders do not force infighting. Rather the next in line step up, and if any want to challenge, they wait until after the battle/ war.   The warriors are well equipped and most of them have steel weapons and armour. War clubs and axes is the most common handweapon as the need for steel is less, than swords. The shield of choice is round and only the most prominent warriors have steel strengthening on their shields. Studded leather armour and chain shirts are the most commonly found armour, and almost all warriors have a helmet. The archers mostly uses arrowheads of bronze as steel is to valuable to be used for arrows, which have a tendency to not be found after battles.   The two large human produced catapults are carefully maintained. The crews are led by a boneman and it is considered an honour to be trained in using a catapult. Dryggl are incorporating the catapults into the tribes religious workings, and they are considered gifts from Kraukh.


The Mad Moon tribe is a very religious tribe who have Kraukh as their main God, and they have a strong worship of the moon. The moon is considered to be an important way that Kraukh speaks to his worshipper. As such the bonemen of the tribe have studied the moon for several genearations. Unfortunatly the transfer of knowledge between the different generations of bonemen are absymal, and the understanding of it is weak.   The boneman of the tribe is Dryggl who is a powerful wielder of magic, powerhungry and ruthless. He has six other bonemen who obeys his orders with fervour. His influence within the tribe and the clan is strong and growing. But he is held in check by Urgnagg, who have outwitted him many times.

Foreign Relations

The tribe have strong ties with the Mad Dogs tribe, which they supply with steel and the Mad Dogs supply them with meat. The two tribes often feast together and the two tribes stand by each others side in disputes with other tribes. The Mad Moon share their northern border with the Mad Dogs.


Three permanent settlements.   The paths between the settlement are well traveled and easy to find. They are irregulary patrolled but as orc warriors often travel there the surrounding predators have learned to avoid them. Along the paths there are much trash to be found.   Along the paths the tribe markings will be found painted on large stones.

Rulgh Lunorgh (Blood for the moon)

Alternative Names
Parent Organization
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