
Amongst the hordes of the black bloods there is often found one or more large and lumbering brutes, called Ogres. Ogres are the largest of the black bloods and can be viewed as a mix of a very large orc and a giant. Ogres are renowned for their strength and it is a feared opponent, as they have been known to rip a human apart with only their hands. If Ogres are armed it is usually a small tree trunks they have found and wields as a club. There have been reports of Ogres using large 2 handed swords as well as axes taken from fallen foes, or granted as a gift from a orc chief.   Usually they are garbed in whatever they can find to keep the cold out. But if they are cooperating with a tribe, they might even wear armour.   STY: 3T6+24, STO: 3T6+13, FYS: 3T6+2, SMI: 3T6-1, INT: 2T6, PSY: 3T6, KAR: 1T4+1 Naturligt skydd: 1p hud,

Basic Information


Ogres is a very large humanoid species, with a very heavy and burly physique.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ogres are omnivores with an appetite for meat. They do not conserve food for later use, neither do they protect a hunting area. Ogres do not cook food but if they are cooperating with other smarter species they have learned to wait until the food is cooked. They understand it tastes better and also that fire hurts.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ogres are not very social creatures as they lack all kind of empathy and smaller species then they have a tendency to break when the Ogre gets mad. Ogres tend to be somewhat nomadic travelling in pair often searching for largers groups to hook up with for a while. For shorter times they are able to cooperate with Black blood tribes, but in the end they get bored and just walk away. Sometimes they just get lost and do not find their way back to camp.   Ogres do what they want as they only respect brute force, but a stron chieftan learns how to make use of this trait by making sure to tell them what it is they want. Such as, wouldn't it be fun to destroy that building? It might even contain something to eat.

Facial characteristics

They are humanlike in appeareance with large canine teeth potruding from the mouth. The nose is big and flat while the mouth is larger in porpotion than a humans. The eyes are red.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ogres are found where ever other Black blood species are found. They can handle all kind of  climate as they have very thick skin and extra layer of fat.

Average Intelligence

Ogres are not very smart, infact even the smartest of them are barely in the same range as an ordinary human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sensory perception is below an ordinary human in both hearing and sight. The sense of smell is higher than most humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Short names which are easy to remember.

Gender Ideals

It is unknown how Ogres mate, but for the weird scholars who actually think about it are leaning to the act being very violent.

Average Technological Level

Ogres lack the knowledge to craft tools, or even the patience to do it. But if they are shown how to do it, they might be able to use tools more advanced than bludgening some one with it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most of them aren´t smart enough to recognize the difference between species. They consider all humanoids as smaller and weaker versions of themselves. Beards and moustasches confuses them, and what confuses them is easier to destroy than to think about.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
3 meters
Average Physique
Ogres in general are muscular creatures and come equipped with a large belly.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ogres skins come in the ranges of almost black to light brown, and it seems to coincident with where they make their habitat. The further north you come the lighter their skintone become. Many Ogres skin are speckled and contains many different skin colours.
Geographic Distribution