
Located in the western part of Ereb between the mountains of Kard and the shores of the oceans the kingdom of Ransard endures harsh elements and inhospital lands. The geographic location have harnessed a society of strong and independent people always ready for battle and who values a mans word more than his life. By the standards set in the southern part of Ereb the Ransardians are considered barbarians on the same levels as orcs. A perspective not enhanced by the fact that they treat their half-orcs as valued members of society, and that some orc tribes pay tribute to the local Vortiger. Harbinger of evil or champions of Barbarism are epitepht often thrown upon them. But scholars or traders who actually know the culture know that this is not true.   Ransard are famous for their Griffon based warfare and the relationship with the griffons are long and well developed. If a foreginer have heard about Ransard, their collaboration with griffons are often what they have heard about.


The King of Rasard is called the Vortiger and he is chosen for a five year term, by the leaders of the Ransardian clans. The Vortiger is Ransards leader of war, high judge, administrator of trade and the collector of taxes. The Vortiger have absolute power and do not need to ask any other clan leader for advice before making a ruling. But he is constrained by the fact of the five year rule. A impopular Vortiger are seldom seated for a long time, and the really impopular seldom live long afterwards.   Ransard is a Clan based society in which the clan you belong to are more important than what country you belong to. All Ransardians who have not been banished belongs to a clan who stand by and support their members. Most clans are made up by 50 to 500 individuals and populate a very defined area. Although many borders are contested between the clans a clan member stays within their lands, unless married or the clan buys land from another clan. Within Ransard there are over a hundred different clans and conflict between clans are not unusual. The conflicts seldom excalates above skirmishes and raids as the local Vortiger make sure to rule before a clan war can evolve.   The capital city Kapahlt and surrounding land are "owned" by the ruling Vortiger of Ransard.


Ransardian culture is formed around strength and honor. Ransardians follow strict rules about how to behave, such as honoring your word and quick decisions, hesitation is a great sin in Ransard. Ransardians are considered as an arrogant, cruel and relentless people who values personal strentgh and despises cowardeness. The ideal Ransardian should be big, strong, fair, tough, cold and a good tactician. unfortunatly for other people these are also very common traits. Ransardians consider themselves above all other people and they are not quiet about it. Other species are in general held in contempt especially halflings, who are everything Ransardians hold in contempt. They also have a strained relationship with elves as Ransardians believe that drinking their blood prolongs life.   The laws of Ransard are in general very lax, as the code of honour are held in high regards. When someone commits a crime they stand for it and accepts their punishment.   On the battlefield most Ransardians are without fear. A Ransadians value for the clan is measured in battle prowess and how many defeated enemies he has. Many warriors carries small staffs in their belt with notches on them, a notch for each defeated enemy.   Ransardian laws are compared to more civilised countries quite lax and enlighted. The strict code of honour makes the laws unneccessary. Most laws are based onto the "treat other the way you want them to treat you" philosophy.   Ransardians never use torture and a defeated enemy are treated with respect. A slave can expect a fair if cold and unpersonal treatment.   All crimes commited towards an individual (rape, marital crimes) are treated very harsh and the punishment are often death or banishment.

Public Agenda

Ransard consider itself to have a score to settle with Trakorien and have spent a few years preparing for war against them.


27B.O. the kingdom is united by Omric the great.

Demography and Population

1 300 000 individuals   85% humans   15% other, many orcs and half-orcs


Ransard are located in the eastern Ereb, and share its northern border with Jorduashur. The core of the kingdoms are the three peninsulas Nordland, Ransland and Sydland. Lately the kingdom have subjugated the two regions Timora and Alerien. The last region called Gauland is very independent and its local Vortiger pay tribute to Ransard and if called to war its warriors. But in all other questions it rule itself but the Culture is Ransardian. To the east Ransard is blocked by the Kard mountains whose peaks are to high to be climbed. Within the valleys of the mountains are several strong tribes of orcs, many who are part of the Red moon clan, who have made several succeful raids into Ransard. To the south of the mountains are a large forest rich land which reaches the shores. The forest is not very thick and in several areas it has been torched to create arable land.   Nordland:   Ransland:   Sydland:   Gauland:   Timora:   Alerien:


Ransard is a warriors society and warfare is in the core of the Ransardian culture. Unlike many other barbaric society the Ransardians fight disciplined and train large scale warfare on regular basis. At the core of the military are the clan and the warriors are grouped together based on which clan they belong to. This makes sure the warriors know and trust each other and that there is a well known chain of command within the units.   The Griffon cavalry is the solid core from which all ransardian tactics are based upon. Although there are infantry and archers in the military, their role is to support the griffon riders. It is unknown how many griffon riders there are in Ransard, but each clan owns at least a few griffons. For a griffon rider the main armament is the griffon itself, which is trained to attack wearing their breastplate and follow the orders of its rider. If the Ransard military is weak in some role it is archery, as it is not considered a weapon worthy a true warrior. Most Ransardians considers bows to be a hunting tool rather than a weapon.   There is no formal navy in Ransard, neither is there a need for one. Most clans whom make their home close to the sea are accustomed to it, and have a few long ships which are used in warfare and raiding. These clans mostly allows warriors of friendly clans to accompany them in raids. Ransardians use the same designs as Jorduashur, such as the Knarr and the dragon ship, but they are not as well made. The Ransardians are in general less abled seamen as well.   A Ransardian ready for war use a chainshirt with arm- and leg protection from leather with metal studs. On their head they wear a conical shaped helmet with chainmail protection hanging down to protect the neck and shoulders. The favourite armament is the sword called a Saex and a small round shield called Tarque. The Tarque are used for both defense and offense. To complement the armament a long spear are used often from the back of the Griffon. Archers are not common but those who train are very competent and uses a composite bow from the back of their Griffons. All Ransardians who are coming of age are trained to wage war, but those who seems to be extra competent are trained harder and chosen into the Vortigers retinues.


The Ransardians worship the Aesirs, a family of Gods....many gods. The Ransardians belive that if you fall in battle you will be reborn in the land of the gods, which explains their contempt of death in battle.

Foreign Relations

Ransard have few friends and no one would ally with them. They consider all other settlements and organisations as potential raiding targets.


There are few laws in Ransard. There are no written laws only oral traditions. The code of honour is very important.

Agriculture & Industry

Farming and fishing is made on communal level and to support the clan. All food is collected and protected in the clans fortified "castles" and redistributed to the clans members during the year. All members are treated equal. Even the industry are based around the clans need rather than the individuals need, and as such the industry are quite developed as farms and families become specialised. A small fishing community can specialise in making net, and they do it for all the clans fishing community while another make boats for all the clans fishing communities.

Trade & Transport

Ransardians are not known for their merchants and trade but rather their raids. They take what they want and need from those who can´t defend it. Their fast ships often raid the shore settlements of Klomellien, Magilre, Trakorien and even Kardien. The Griffons are seldom brought along on these raids as they take up much space and eats a lot of food.


There is no country based planning of roads or other form of infrastructure. It is all clanbased planning. A rich clan can have very good road system which ends within the clans area, with no road leading out.   All clans have some kind of fortified centre, where the richest clans have small castle like buildings. None of them would hold against a southern army with its catapults and siege towers. But they are constructed for defense against raiders rather than true warfare.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Harbingers of evil, Champions of barbarism
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
There is no official currency
Major Exports
Mountains salt. Metals. Fur
Major Imports
Silver, copper and Gold. Grain. Loot.
Judicial Body
Each clan have a leader called Vortiger who are responsible for interpreting the laws of the Clan. To their aid they have the priests of the Aesir who also are historians. The Vortiger of Ransard interpret the rules on a nation level.
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

As Ransardians have raided Kardian villages they are despised and avoided. But as there is no formal contact between the countries the hostilities are handled when Ransadrian raiders arrive to the shores. Kardien have no formal plans to launch a punitive fleet towards Ransard. Ransard have no formal consideration of Kardien what so ever.


Ransard considers Zorakin to be a unimportant land which is only good as a raiding target. But it is so far away it seldom is worth the trip. Amongst the more powerful Ransardians it is also known to be devoted to Etin and as such part of the same religion as its age old enemy Palinor. Zoraki on the other hand mostly know Ransards through their Kardian noble cousins. They believe in the stories about Ransard being home to evil orc like humans, who bathe in the blood of their enemies. But as Ransard isn´t a real problem for Zorakin they mostly just don´t think about them.