Thorgan Hachel de Solaire

    Baron of Le Adellix   Son of the brother of the duke.   Thorgan is married to Desiree (f: 570) and they married when she was just 15 and awaiting their first child. Their firstborn were a daughter and when she became adult she was married to a Kardian nobleman. The following two children were female as well. In 601 A.O. when the youngest daughter was eleven years old, and everyone thought The baroness could not get pregnant, she gave birth to a baby boy. There are rumours of magic and alchemy from her to get a baby and a boy.
  • Elaine f: 585 - Married to a nobleman in Kardien
  • Mercedes f: 587 - Married to a nobleman in Magilre
  • Cleo f: 590 - Married to nobleman from Pendonne. 
  • Gillian f: 601

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is in good condition and eats well and moves around a lot. He is not overly muscular but he is neither very scrawny.

Facial Features

He keps a small and well kept moustache and have a small pointy beard to go with it. All the rage in kings court.

Apparel & Accessories

He is seldom seen in the same clothes two days in a row, and have a large wardrobe to choose from. He likes to flaunt his wealth in jewellery.

Specialized Equipment

His broadsword is made of dwarven steel and is magical as well. It has been in his family going from father to son for generations. The sword has a name - "Colamore" and it is known in legends. It is a powerful weapon.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

He recently invested much money into a trading expedition which was a failure. He needs to recuparate the money and have started to collect higher taxes, which causes anger in the populance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Thorgan is a thinker and amateur philosopher. He is calculated and prefer brains over brawns.

Morality & Philosophy

He follows the tenets of Etin and the church and is a believer. But he is also a practical ruler who knows when it is time to act outside of the tenets.

Personality Characteristics


Thorgan enjoys the machinations and intrigue which is the political play and have used his connections and the closeness to Fil-Tofia to enrich himself and his power.  He uses it to drain Covonne of its place as the administrative centre of County of Allienithorie and move it to his buildings in Fil-Tofia.

Likes & Dislikes

He dislikes the Country side and prefer the hustle and bustle of Fil-Tofia

Vices & Personality flaws

Thorgan is extremely shy and when he meets new people he have a hard time finding something to talk about. He uses his staff to hide this.


Thorgan Hachel de Solaire


Towards Eleonora Da Ville


Eleonora Da Ville


Towards Thorgan Hachel de Solaire



Thorgan does not have any real opinion on the countess. The countess dislikes him for not openly supporting her.

Year of Birth
566 A.O. 46 Years old
Black and in the traditional page cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark white
The Shining Path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations