Barony Le Adellix

Surrounding the the city of fil-Tofia on the Zoraki side lies the barony Le Adellix. Due to its proximity to Fil-Tofia the barony is in many ways rich, but in others poor. The baronys output is almost exclusive food and it sells to the burghers in Fil-Tofia. In return the burghers sells its produce to the farmers of Le Adellix, such as nails, clothes et cetera. In Le Adellix all roads leads to Fil-Tofia and they are well traveled. And as the Kings roads go through the barony only strenghtens the trade.   On the other side is the fact that the baronys populance is much less self sufficient and things villages would produce by themselves in other baronies are often bought from the City instead.   Within the barony the villages are smaller and more spread out, while the producing fields are larger. As such there are more knights and lords with small holdings than in most other parts of the Duchy.   The barons castle "Adellix caastle" lies a long ride away from the city and it is mostly used as a summer home and storage facility by the baron. The real home and administrative centre is the barons estate in Fil-Tofia. When the baron is there one of his knights acts as senechal for the castle. The village which supplies the castle is way smaller than expected and there are no craftsmen, only peasants.

Agriculture & Industry

The agricultural level in the barony is strong but most of its produce supplies the city. Within the barony there has been no need to build up any process logistics, rather the farmers will bring the grain to the millers in fil-Tofia. The cattlers will bring the cattlers to the butchers in Fil-Tofia et cetera.   There are no logging or mining taking place in the barony, as the market is satured and bought from the city. If there is a need for logs for domestic building it will be taken from the forests which the baron owns. One of the things which the barony is known for and which is highly demanded by the city is beekeeping and honyproducing.

Trade & Transport

The Kings road passes through the city and the wagon trails leading to it are well kept and patrolled.


Along the coast the Kings road is the manin road.
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
They use the Zoraki currency, and as most people live close to Fil-Tofia the use of coins is more common than in other Baronies.
Major Exports
Food in all manners, and mostly to Fil-Tofia.
Major Imports
Most of goods produced are imported and there is way less production compared too neighbouring baronies.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Barony Le Adellix