Blackstone castle

Old Castle Backstone, ruined by the horrid dragon Valathuun ages ago.
The castle used to belong to Jeddard Eremyte. Member of the then royal family. He was obsessed with dragons and had read of alliances between dragons and men. He sunk himself so deep into the subject matter that he went on a crusade. told his men to find him a dragon that would speak to him face to face. Those unfortunate men found Valathuun the devourer. A Large black dragon that resided in the lands of Oraeva. He had a horrible reputation of devouring men and settlements for his enjoyment. Valathuun spoke to Jeddards men. They told the dragon of how Jeddards castle was built of thick stone, that jeddard Eremyte was a fearsome lord and a descendant of the first high king Rowlind Eremyte. Valathuun accepted the offer and met with the lord. when arriving to Castle blackstone Valathuun disclamed to all of its residents.
"You build a wall and call it a fortress, you make yourself a crown and call yourself a king, you slay men and call yourself a conqueror. All this you built. Here i stand, i have no crown, i have no fortress yet i hold the power to lay your lands to ruin. And you call me an equal"
After this chilling speech he laid the fortress to ruin melting flesh, metal and stone all together. massacring all who lived in Castle Blackstone.    

In Campaign

 The Place has been home to many unsavory factions. Now
its being used by a cult of worshippers. People who know about the resurrection of Valathuun in the veiled era and seek to ressurect him again.

    History of the place can be learned through the environment and with books the cult have carried with them. in one of the old tower is a sacrificial altar. A naked man with a goats head and a crown. symbolizing Jeddards foolish quest. below that is an offering table with trinkets worth 15-35g and a scroll of comprehend languages and burning hands.
Founding Date
Parent Location


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