
Stallvine stands in the center of a highway split that goes three ways in separate directions. one to Vignile and Kingslake, one to Aroborsa and the third to Dralenhall and Farlook. Merchant routes tend to spawn shops and shops tend to spawn settlements, that was the case for Stallvine. Original founding date is unknown but first recordings are in 1768. 
Now the town is most known for its history in the Regent War. He who holds the split holds the Eastern coast. The town was the pivotal point in preventing attacks to the King through the highway and secure victory in the battle of the heartland, where the kings loyalists fought the Durmandar in 3650. Although now the town is legally free from regent rule people mostly tie it in with the towns under Cross rule.


Hearthfire inn

Owner: Jessy Merigrain (Human)
Tavern: yes
Wealth Range: 7.2
NPC's: 2
Quest Board: 1
Room Beds Price
2 2 3g
5 2 3g
7 3 5g
Drink Type Price
Honeybrew Mead 1s
Seawater Ale 1s
Brazen Red wine 15s
Brazen White wine 15s
Sapsimmer whisky 1g


the open field

Owner: Joel Morton (Human)
Tavern: no
Wealth Range:5
NPC's: 1
Quest Board: 1
Room Beds Price
3 1 1g
4 1 1g
6 2 2g
10 4 3.5g
11 4 3.5g



The drunken sheep

Owner: Kellian Olmie
Wealth Range: 5.2
NPC's: 2
Quest board: 1
Drink Type Price
Honeybrew Mead 8c
Seawater Ale 8c
Brazen Red wine 1s
Brazen White wine 1s
Lucky Rabbit whisky 1s


Fighting Pit

Owner: Mc'gellan Roe (Half-Orc)
Events are only on: Senerday
Event Buy inn Winner Pay
1v1 5s 10g
2v2 8g 25g
4v4 15g 50g
Beasts 3g per man 30g joined pay
for men left standing




Food Day Rations price per item
Pork ribs 5 2g
Chicken shredders 1 8c
Beef Jerky 1 4c
Ham and Chicken Sourdough 2 3s
Pickled pigsfeet 4 6s

Points of interest

  • Statue of Garland Rol Furnham, commander in the cross army who sacrificed himself for the king in the battle of the heartland
  • the fighting pits, tournament grounds used for fighting. Fighters all over the country come to claim their superiority over other warriors.
  • Old elven gate, its theorized that the town was first built around this old elven gate, many come to stallvine to pray to it.

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
the Heartland Town
Large town
Location under


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