Savaris Family

The Savaris Family is one of the oldest and most powerful families in the Political District . They own several properties in the Political District and in other districts, each one officially owned by a different family member to maximize the number of votes they control. They make their money by influencing others. They can be hired to help a person gain power, or they can be hired by their opponents to make embarrassing secrets come to light. They are hired by political campaigns as well as business leaders, guilds, and some ambassadors. They are a large family, but they all answer to the head of the family, and elderly Elf named Theodin Savaris.   It is rumored that life within the family is tightly controlled and behaviors that would bring shame to the family are harshly punished. There are some family members who have suddenly moved away or otherwise stepped out of public view, but there has never been a public scandal associated with the Savaris family. It has been suggested though, that if there were a family capable of hiding the transgressions of its members, this would be it. They have made accusations disappear for people who have hired them, or silenced a story before it became common knowledge. Many quietly suggest that they use these skills for their own family members as well, but no one dares to make such accusations publicly. Angering the Savaris family would be akin to political suicide.   Tylen is a notable exception to many of the believed rules for the family. He publicly left the family to support Vanryell. Neither the Savaris family nor Tylen made any official statements about this other than to confirm that he is estranged. There were some initial rumors as to why this happened, what his transgression may have been, but these rumors quickly ended. Theodin made an announcement that his grandson has different political views than himself, so he decided to strike out and support a candidate that he felt Ansbridge needed. He confirmed that he did so with the family's blessing and agreement, but simply that the family cannot support two separate candidates as this would put them in a comprising situation. The rest of the family supports Ivaran Morlee.
Notable Members

Articles under Savaris Family