Sparkles and Sprinkles, A Magical Confectionary Shop

Sprinkles and Sparkles is a unique shop, one that is truly a rarity in all of the Ervelt Region and possibly the world. It is a bakery in the Travelers Market that run by a rust-red colored dragonborn named Shaxiros, or Shax to most people. It sells the same candy, cookies, and cakes that can be found at many locations in the city, but these are often magically enhanced with spells or enchantments. They include cakes that sing happy birthday when you take them out of the box, gingerbread men that will run away if you aren't careful, and candy that changes flavor based on the mood of the person eating them. (Those come with a warning to avoid eating them in a sour or hot-tempered mood.)   People have made comments about the shop, saying either that it is a fivious waste of magic, or that he has incredibly poor business sense because he is not including the cost of casting the spell into the cost of his items. He responds that he doesn't run this shop as a way to make money, he can easily make more gold in one afternoon of casting spells for pay than other bakeries make in an entire year. Instead, this shop is his passion, and no one would be able to afford his silly products if he tacked on a cost of casting the spell.   The reason that this type of shop is so rare is because of the influences of the Ervelt Magic Academy. All those who learn magic from them are forced to sign a waiver dictating what they can and cannot use their magic for, who they can and cannot teach it to, and largely ensuring that the academy receives a cut of the profits. Ten years ago, Shax was able to get out of his contract with the academy, thought it is part of his agreement that he cannot disclose why. People have pointed out that him getting out of his contract lined up with another wizard being striped of his title and being exiled from the city.