The Voice of Ansbridge

The Voice of Ansbridge was originally designed as one person who is able to speak for the city of Ansbridge as a whole. They have limited power within the city, but they speak for the city when it comes to foreign powers. They would be the ones to sign treaties or represent Ansbridge in affairs of state. Over time they have gained more power within the city, although much of it remains unofficial.   The Voice retains their previous posting as Councilor of their district as well as their new duties. When the The Council of Ansbridge votes on a topic they receive two votes, one as The Voice and the other as the councilor for their district. The original purpose of this was to allow them to vote both for and against a change if it would benefit the city, but not their district, or vice versa. While this has occurred, it is not typical as many of the items that reach a vote have already been heavily influenced by The Voice and are beneficial to both the city and their district.   The current Voice is Ivaran Morlee


Only members of the The Council of Ansbridge are considered for becoming Voice.


A Voice is elected by the other members of The Council of Ansbridge . Once it is agreed that a new Voice is needed the council holds a meeting where councilors can officially indicate that they are interested in becoming Voice. There is then one week of debate and discussion, even if there is only one candidate, before it is put to a vote. Should the current Voice be alive, they are not permitted to vote. The candidate cannot vote for themselves and they must obtain a majority to be recognized as the new Voice.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Voice can only be removed by a unanimous decision by the rest of the council. Any council member may start the process by declaring the Voice unfit in a council meeting. It is then put to an immediate vote. If there is a majority agreeing that the Voice is unfit then the current Voice is removed from the room and there is further discussion. If a unanimous decision is not reached within one week, the current Voice remains Voice. If it is agreed that they are unfit, the process of electing a new Voice is started. This procedure is followed for every change of Voice, including if the reason they are found unfit is because they have died.
Civic, Political
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