Session 10


The party investigates the dead halfing to find the connection to Slade's good mood, then work out together, then Kell leads the party in getting wood.

Ford Brewmaster tackles a member of the cult and drags them back to the rest of the party who is investigating the dead halfling. A metal coin matching the other cult tokens falls out of the halfling's mouth when he is moved. The party takes the cultist back to Ford's shack where he is tied up. When he wakes up he mutters the same phrase over and over under his breath and does not respond to anything else. When Slade walks in the room, there is a look of recognition and the cultist begins saying the same muttered phrase loud enough for everyone to hear. "Drag my soul down to your depths and give me power renewed within you. Add my hatred to your strength to break the chains he bound you in. My glory will be your revenge on those who wronged you and my soul will rejoice in their death."   Interrogation of the cultist results in little gain. He attempts to commit suicide and refuses all food and water. The little bit that he does say is that the last time he saw Slade, the dwarf was getting on his ship. Slade releases him so that they can follow him, but doesn't tell Ford about that. Ford snaps his neck but then Slade revives him. The cultist leads them back to his home, but no additional information is found.   Kellen reminds everyone they are still supposed to pick up the wood to build the community center. The party buys the map and meets with Josip Tot to discuss using a boat to go get the wood. They meet his family and he seems like a very nice person, though some of the party also realize that he could have given them what they were looking for without also showing off these positive sides of himself.    The party run into some minor difficulties getting the wood, but when they return to The Ocean Tide they find that Rollo Kellett  is yelling at someone in the bar. Dash  wishes Kell good luck, tells him "he's your problem now," and leaves without further explanation. The party soon learns that the person that Rollo is yelling at is Kell's brother, Wrenin Gavrinus. He ignores the rest of the party's existence, says 3 words to Kell in Elvish, and the two of them leave together.

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