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The Plane of Wood

Deity: Yiri Cux

Language = Treant
Associated Gems: Moss Agate; Green Aventurine; Wood Jasper;

Ancient = a wavey piece of land with three tree trangle shapes and two full moons.
Triangle = a triangle with vertical lines inside.

WOOD is all the trees bushes, and shrubs, including those within and outside of the woods and forests all over Esau. The personality traits are seen as resilience, perseverance, and growth.

The elemental Plane of Wood is a plane where trees and bushes are dominant - an eternal forest beyond the reach of most flesh-based creatures - except crawling insects.

The Plane of Wood is formed by individual trees - each tree extends over 100 acres from a single root. One of the trees is larger than others. It appears to be a grove of individual trees, like any other grove. The whole plane is made of one-tree-forests. However, underground the trees are connected by a single and vast root system. Marvelous in its beauty, astounding in its age and extent - It is The Great Tree.

The plane itself is a massive tree. Branches twist and curl through the plane, and other plant life is cradled among these humongous branches. The branches of the Great Tree fill with water and support mangrove forests, while other ridged portions are homes to domesticated crops. Forests spiral closely knit. Blankets of wildflowers and vines grow up along the sides of the trees, and within hidden hollows thrive various molds and fungi.

There is no native animal life, even birds, larger than the insects needed for pollination. Animals in general and sentient beings in particular are not welcome.


The Great Tree goes on forever, and its leaves cover everything. There is nothing beyond the Great Tree forest that provides shelter and foundation for the rest of the plane.

* The Elemental Plane of Wood is not directly hostile, though its inhabitants are if attacked. The Wood Elementals are protective - more than aggressive. As long as travelers do not destroy native plant life, the wood Elementals leave them alone. However, cutting down trees, harvesting grain or fruit, or attacking the Great Tree forest brings legions of guardians down on the interlopers. Despite the plenty, travelers may wish to bring their own food, or to scavenge dropped seeds and nuts.
* Flying is not possible in The Plane of Wood - "must stay grounded" Although there is a visable "sky" above and a single sun, a single moon and clouds that shift and change (even rain), no creature can reach it.
* Characters who remain on the Plane of Wood should keep moving. Vines starts to grow over a character who stays in one spot for more than an hour. After 4 hours, the character is trapped in the equivalent of an Entangle spell.
* While the plane is made primarily of plant life, it is a lush, living landscape resists fire - so does not burn easily. Plant creatures that are particularly vulnerable to fire do gain resistance to this weakness on the Elemental Plane of Wood.
* Vision, including darkvision and low-light vision, is unaffected on the Elemental Plane of Wood. However, it waxes and wanes from the brightness of a sunny day to a full moon's light. Night and day match that of the Material Plane.

WOOD Giants

Wood Giants are the wardens of the deepest, wildest portions of the world’s forests. Unlike many of their kin, wood Giants are slow to anger, peaceful, and artistic -display an infinite patience in their duty. A wood giant’s role is to preserve and protect the wilderness - a role they believe that nature itself granted them, the proof of which manifests in their magical abilities tied to the natural world.

Wood giant culture is as complex as their forest homes. Much of a tribe’s time is spent tending to a forest’s health: planting new trees, clearing away dead brush, and hunting abominations that pervert the natural order. Individuals may even cultivate their forest homes into elaborate demesnes, mazes, or living temples. They are an isolated race, only rarely meeting to trade with other tribes, treants, or the occasional elven settlement. While primarily good-natured, wood Giants are distrustful of outsiders and prone to great melancholies.

Small clans claim enormous tracts of wooded land, but rarely build permanent homes. Members may spread out over their entire region by day only to gather and bed down, exposed to the elements, after sundown. In harsh weather, tribes cluster close together in the densest thickets with their backs turned outward.

Wood Giants stand 14 feet tall and weigh 1,200 pounds. They are meat eaters primarily - not wishing to harm vegetation if can avoid doing so.

WOOD Elementals

Wood Elementals look as if shards of wood circle their bark form.
Other elements - like Earth Elementals try to push inside to use them as a shield.


* In Link, Genx region, Malnax - there is a vortex formed within the trunk of a massive beanstalk that now grows in the centre of the town.
* The Great Naptovis Tree, on Rakee Island or the Pelago Islands - rift has formed in the space the roots spread across.
* The Living Temple, located in Genx region of Malnax - holds a vortex within its roots to the Plane of Wood.
* Vortices to the Plane of Wood could often be found in the deepest parts of the woods and forests of Esau.
* Temporary gates could be created by the plane shift spell or the abilities of high level druids.
* The spell astral projection could be used to reach the Plane of Wood via a massive tree.
* The gate and plane shift spells can be used to open a temporary portal to this plane, provided a chestnut fork tuned to the note of C Sharp is used as a spell focus.

Yiri Cux

Yiri Cux is a protector of the forest, he especially presides over plantations and delighted in trees growing wild. He is also described as a god watching over the orchards, and protecting those trees in the boundaries of fields.
Seen as a large Giant crowned in pine and with a moss beard, or with leaves around his face, trees growing over his hunched back.

Primarily interpreted as a symbol of forest rebirth, representing the cycle of new growth on trees that occurs every spring. He is often depicted in a wood sculpture of a face which is completely surrounded by leaves.

Title(s) = The Treant Lord - The Leafy King - The Green Man - The Wood Father - The Tallest Tree
Alignment = Neutral
Symbol = Green man - leafy face
Portfolio = wood
Domains = Growth, Life, Elementals


Gigas is a female wood Titan/Giant.

Localized Phenomena

Objective Directional Gravity = Down is toward the ground where the roots are. It is possible to walk along the underside of branches, and up the side of the great trunks, [much as ants do].
Time = Normal
Size = Infinite
Alterable Morphic.
No Elemental or Energy Traits = The Elemental Plane of Wood represents a balance of all elements, which combine to form the Great Tree forest.
Enhanced Magic = Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create wood (including those of the plant domain) are both extended and maximized.
An Entangle spell cast on this plane lasts 2 minutes per caster level as opposed to 1 minute per caster level on the Material Plane.
Spells and spell-like abilities that are already extended or maximized are unaffected by this trait.

Fauna & Flora


The Plane of Wood is a vibrant, living community. The Wood Elementals act as guardians on the Plane of Wood.
The Elemental Plane of Wood is also home to a number of plant creatures:
* Wood Genasi
* Treant
* treefolk
* Dryad
* shambling mounds
* assassin vines
* tendriculoses
* various forms of fungi (including phantom fungi)
* Some oozes also live on the plane, especially ochre jellies, which do not affect wood
* Many crawling and pollinating insects

All plant life on the plane shares an empathic connection, so wanton destruction alerts other denizens of the plane. Such communication is limited to basic emotions and has a range of 200 feet. If the plants need to communicate with fleshy beings, they use Common or Treant.

Natural Resources

* climbing creatures
* insects
* Genasi
* Elementals
* creaking
* branches
* leaves
* no gorund
* no sky
* spikey trees
* Chestnut tree
* Walnut tree
* Rowan Trees
* dim light
* roots
* rough bark
* Naptovis Tree
* peeling bark
* sap

Dimensional plane
Location under
Inhabiting Species

* Wood Shape
* Entangle
* Hail of Thorns
* Thorn Whip
* Grasping Vine
* Barkskin
* Warp Wood
* Spike Growth
* Speak with Plants
* Plant Growth
* Tree Stride
* Wall of Thorns


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