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Jawa is a settlement in the Genx region; seaside looking out to the Akati Ocean; on the slope of a hill.

A town that prides itself in it's history and connections to The Lady Knight.

ENTRANCE The ground between the walls of the town and the first buildings appear to fall away into a starlit night sky. A path of floating stones offers the only way across.

The Lady Knight's Tavern
A sturdy building made of stone found in the shallows of the Akati Ocean.
History: Named after the historical figure of The Lady Knight .

Noche Blacksmith
Weapon Smith Store
"Wilde" Grekax Frojet is the current blacksmith. A broad built red Dragonborn, who grew up in the wilds of Kilt region. Moved to Genx region to escape from The Thieves Guild.
History: Built by Wilhem Noche, The Lady Knight's father, when he moved to Jawa after his daughter Ingaret ended her marriage to Prince Alom of Hammerforge Palace.

Bed & Breakfast
Loriem Noche (desendent of The Lady Knight). Race Mix: Human, Elves, and Tiefling. Has purpley pink hair and silvery skin with curved horns and slim tail.
A well-kept build building with nine bedrooms
History: A house originally owned by Ada Noche.

Shrine to Gil'lon The God of Balance
Hidden in the Stables attached to Ada's B&B is a shrine to Gil'lon The Master Cat cared for by the only Tabaxi in Jawa, "Emerald" - Emerald Sea.
History: created by Ada Noche.


A council of wealthy landowners, who are secretly loyal to one of the storm Giants, named Jawerth.

Approx. 295
Inhabitant Demonym
primarily Human, Dragonborn, half-Dragonborn, half-Elf, half-Tiefling, with some Dwarf, Halfling and Gnome.
Location under


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