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Nornance is a small town located in the Genx Region - North of Alrec and East of Konta. It sits just North-East of the Peboln Lake.

The Fleetman Tavern

Run by Tiefling named Apex with some help from his teenage son Lorgam.
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* Victoria stayed - first other Tieflings she ever meet. Lorgam flirted with Victoria - who was unimpressed.

The Hunter and the Tankard Tavern

Inn, Drinking
Owning Organization = Halberd Hand Guild
Description: The tavern is a two-storey stone-walled building, with well-made wooden tables and chairs.
Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and straw mattresses.
Innkeeper = a male Elves named Taffy (Tafiodor). He knows the secret entrance of the Caverns of Grim Woe.
Roasted Sausage and Blue Cheese, Tankard of Beer (12 cp)
Boiled Sausage and Whey Cheese, Tankard of Cider (9 cp)
Stewed Pork and Dried Mushrooms, Tankard of Cider (12 cp)
Millet Porridge, Mug of Beer (5 cp)
Stewed Pork and Buckwheat Biscuits, Tankard of Cider (8 cp)
Dried Scallop and Barley Biscuits, Tankard of Perry (8 cp)
Vegetable Stew, Mug of Mead (3 cp)
PATRONS Endild: Female Human Assassin, Evil. Endild has copper hair and light green eyes. She wears leather armour and wields a poisoned long sword. Endild seems intent on sneaking into the cellar.
Hilia Verne: Female Halfling Fighter, Good. Hilia is short, with white hair and brown eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a short sword and shield. Hilia seeks opponents for a game of daggers.
Hori Brandreson: Male Dwarves Fighter, Neutral. Hori has a long face, with matted copper hair and bright gray eyes. He wears splint mail and wields a bastard sword and shield. Hori seeks only fame and glory of the Caverns of Grim Woe.
Lenwe: Female Elf Fighter, Evil. Lenwe is rough in appearance, with thick brown hair and soft hazel eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a short sword and shield. Lenwe is after a member of the Halberd Hand Guild, who cut off her right hand*
* Oscar = right-hand to Darlene


Next to The Hunter and the Tankard Tavern.
A female Dwarves moneychanger named Gamin, who shares the above fine home of a female Human named Mariette Cory.

Ilbon and Hilda's Blades

Ilbon - Elves, non-binary
Hilda - Human, female

It's previous name was "Ilbon's Armaments" then they got married to Hilda. Hilda is pregnant* with their first child
* they are the biological parents - an experimental magic cast by Ilbon's brother Mekon (Wizard).
Axe +1 = 1750 gp - A masterwork weapon, engraved with the holy symbol of a war god.
Broadsword +1 (+4 vs reptiles) = 4000 gp - A masterwork weapon, inlaid with electrum.
Broadsword +4 = 10000 gp - This finely crafted weapon was created by a Deity for their most loyal warrior.
Dagger +1 (+2 vs small creatures) = 750 gp - A distinctive weapon, engraved with runes of death.
Hammer +1 = 2500 gp - This battered weapon is said to be imbued with the spirit of the illustrious archer
Longsword +1 (+4 vs reptiles) = 4000 gp - This distinctive weapon is said to have been created to slay the Leviathan of The Wayward Sea.
Longsword +1 = 2000 gp - Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a monstrous snarl.
Longsword +4 = 10000 gp - A battered weapon, engraved with runes of vengeance.
Spear +1 = 3000 gp - This masterwork weapon is said to compel its bearer to protect the Desert Swamp.

Lyda's Potions

Shopkeeper = a young female of 27 years old Halfling named Lyda. She is a retired pickpocket, and keeps a fine steel dagger at her belt. Tattoos all over her body and face.
Oil of Etherealness = 1,500 gp - A viscous red draught, contained in a faceted bottle etched with arcane runes.
Potion of Climbing = 500 gp - This glowing serum causes the air to become warm and humid when used.
Potion of Delusion = 150 gp - This topaz potion causes shadows to appear darker when used.
Potion of Frost Giant Strength = 1,100 gp - This clear admixture smells like ice and tastes like snow.
Potion of Hill Giant Control = 1,000 gp - This glowing elixir smells like saltwater.
Potion of Longevity = 1,500 gp - A swirling serum, contained in a silver jar.
Potion of Speed = 450 g - This bubbling elixir smells like fried beans.
Potion of Stone Giant Strength = 1,000 gp - A smoky serum, contained in a cylindrical flask with a amber stopper.
Philter of Love = 300 gp - This thin draught causes the drinker's lips to become a warmer red, and for them to blow rainbow coloured bubbles when used.
Philter of Persuasiveness = 850 gp - This pale pink oil causes sparks of yellow light to appear when drunken.
Potion of Clairaudience = 400 gp - This fuming red elixir smells like fresh bread.
Potion of Delusion = 150 gp - This swirling potion smells ccherry tart.
Potion of Ghost Control = 2,500 gp - An emerald admixture, contained in a porcelain phial sealed with wax.
Potion of Human Control = 900 gp - This bubbling gray potion is only able to be used by non-humans to control Humans, and causes the drinkers eyes to turn gray when used.

Location under


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