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Non is a village in the tail of the Northern Isle - a place people might stay when travelling to that end of the Northern Isle.

Demographics: Tabaxi (66%), Tiefling (15%), Elf (11%), Dwarf (2%), Gnome (1%), Tabaxi (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Half-Elf (1%), Halfling (1%), Half-Orc (1%) - No Humans!
The no Humans thing was not on purpose, but it became a unspoken rule. The Humans who had tried to live there acting superior and insensitive.

Home to Elva Karmic (Half Human/Tabaxi, follower of the God of Balance) , who is the only known person who has ever charted the flow of the Kynym River .

TAVERN = The Pit Stop

Location under


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