Champion's District

Champion’s District towers over Sunáthüma’s western skyline, a district of soldiers, gladiators, mercenaries, and warriors who follow in the footsteps of the city’s first lord-mayor, a priest of Magni named Torleif. Champion’s District has a not-so- friendly relationship with the Noble District, and citizens see themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the city.

Champion’s District’s representative nobles are the Laskakos, old blood who have been established in Sunáthüma nearly from the city’s foundation. The family’s patriarch, Nilus Laskakos, is generally thought to be a bit too scheming for his own good. The Laskakos have recently clashed with Cudgel District’s Taskerhill family over ownership of Thunder River Lumber. Closer to home, they’ve been at odds with another Champion’s District noble family, the Toregsons. Rumor holds that the source of the conflict between the Laskakos and the Toregsons has something to do with the Smith’s Guild.

Also of note in Champion’s District is the Scarlet Embassy. This relatively new structure is the home of one Anteki Alresian, an ambassador to the sinister and (some would say) untrustworthy Scarlet Brotherhood. Anteki’s presence in the city, and in Champion’s District, has been nothing but positive on the surface—he’s donated a fair amount of resources to public works, and the Embassy has an open door policy for visitors. Still, rumors abound that the Embassy is nothing more than a front used by the Scarlet Brotherhood to lull Sunáthüma into a false sense of security for a Brotherhood assault from the sea.

Gladitorial Challenges

The Sunáthüma Arena is one of the more popular entertainment venues in Sunáthüma. Fights are scheduled at minimum once per week by an organization of mercenaries, hunters, and explorers known as Zelkarune’s Horns. Fights in the Sunáthüma Arena are generally not to the death, but are often used to settle debts or conflicts between people or organizations. At other times, Zelkarune’s Horns sponsor what are known as “Dragon Challenges,” in which local heroes and mercenaries fight against dangerous creatures. The Horns are said to be preparing a yearly event that pits numerous teams of gladiators against each other, modeled after the world-famous “Champion’s Games” held yearly in the City of Selon far to the East, although they have yet to announce a date for the first competition.

City Watch

The Champion’s Watch are the most militant of the seven watches. Their members patrol the streets of Champion’s District in full uniform on regular schedules; their presence in the district is as much for show as for law enforcement. Members of the Watch are expected to take part in Arena events monthly, with any winnings being split with the church of Magni. The Champion’s Watch looks down (literally and figuratively) on the Shadowshore Watch, regarding them as little better than the criminals they know populate that district. Of the seven watches, the Champion’s Watch comprises the most loyal and incorruptible members; their high pay and morale render internal corruption all but unknown.


If you’re from Champion’s District, you may belong to a minor noble family, and have probably been to the Sunáthüma Arena several times. You might know someone who has fought in the arena, and may have desires to test your mettle there yourself someday. Alternately, you may be interested in exploring the Ahedara Jungle to try to gather trophies (living or dead) for Zelkarune’s Horns. If you’re of a less martial bent but still hail from this district, perhaps you have some ties to the Scarlet Embassy. Although it’s unlikely you’re fully a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Embassy has been known to accept locals as agents or apprentices from time to time. You likely worship Magni, or possibly Assuran. If you worship Hecate, you keep your faith personal and close to your chest.


37% Human (Hellenic, Ostman, Akkadian), 20% Halfling, 18% Wyvaran, 10% Dwarf, 7% Gnome, 5% Wugui, 3% Half-orc

Points of interest

  1. Six Swords Tavern (tavern)
  2. Rumblegut’s (tavern/inn)
  3. Sunáthüma Sendings (messenger service)
  4. Laskakos Manor (district representative)
  5. Zelkarune’s Hall (museum and adjunct to Arena)
  6. Redwall Stable
  7. Sunáthüma Arena
  8. The Trophy Hunter (curio shop)
  9. Moneylender’s Guildhall
  10. Gladiator’s Best (fine weapons)
  11. Toregson Manor (minor noble)
  12. The Tipsy Troglodyte (tavern)
  13. Three Dwarves Digging (tavern/gaming hall)
  14. Champion’s Corner Stable
  15. Aunt Kylie’s (brothel)
  16. Lanternlighter’s Guildhall
  17. Champion’s Garrison
  18. Museum of Mayhem (museum of Arena battles)
  19. Shrine of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth & prosperity)
  20. House of Magni (district church)
  21. Shrine of Uskyeria (Empyreal lord of beasts and strength)
  22. Fendal’s Pets (exotic pets and guard beasts)
  23. Liomar’s Links (fine chainmail products)
  24. Vildivar’s (bows, arrows, ranged weapons)
  25. Bee in the Bottle (potions)
  26. Magni’s Quencher (tavern)
  27. The Catapulter (tavern/gaming hall)
  28. Champion’s Lighthouse
  29. The Hidden Vortex (fortune teller)
  30. Snaver’s Kennel (animal trainer)
  31. Spells for Swords (magic shop)
  32. Magni’s Market (general goods, weapons, armor, metalwork)
  33. Scarlet Embassy
  34. Shrine of Futsunushi (god of swords)

LN Large town

Corruption +0; Crime +0; Economy +3; Law +2; Lore +1; Society +0

Qualities military presence, prosperous, tourist attraction

Danger +5; Disadvantages


Government Autocracy

Population 3,600 (37% Human (Hellenic, Ostman, Akkadian), 20% Halfling, 18% Wyvaran, 10% Dwarf, 7% Gnome, 5% Wugui, 3% Half-orc)

Noteable NPCs

  • Anaxilaus Alresian (human male): Anteki is an ambassador from the sinister Scarlet Brotherhood. He maintains a civil and even respectable veneer, but many suspect him of having ulterior motives in the city.
  • Nilus Laskakos (human male): Lord of Laskakos Manor and representative of Champion’s District on the Dawn Council. Nilus has a reputation of being canny and scheming.
  • Torbjorn Guiscardson (human male): Tormagal, a no-nonsense and humorless man, is the high priest of the church of Magni.
  • Urik Toregson(human male): Master of Toregson Manor and owner of the Smith’s Guildhall in Merchant District, Urik is a popular figure who’s made a name for himself in staged fights at the Arena.
  • Zoumana Goyar(human male): A likable (if intimidating) one-time barbarian, Zasker runs the group of hunters and mercenaries known as Zelkarune’s Horns.


Base Value 3,200 gp; Purchase Limit 15,000 gp; Spellcasting 5th

Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4

Location under


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