Cudgel District

Cudgel District is primarily a residential district. Due to the vigilance of the local watch and the church of Assuran, it’s also the safest district in Sunáthüma. The citizens of Cudgel District know this, yet they are not a so people; they remain ever vigilant to the threat of attack from without in the form of bullywugs or pirates, or from within in the form of thieves and traitors.


Cudgel District’s representative nobles are the Tanzadkhs. Although they’re hardly the oldest noble family in Sunáthüma, the Tanzadkhs are easily the richest. Their ownership of Thunder River Lumber has ensured a constant inflow of profit for hundreds of years. The current patriarch of this noble family is a man named Kohnayn Tanzadkh. A recent scandal involving his older brother, a noble of the nearby city of Cauldron, has done some unfortunate damage to the family name, and Kohnayn’s primary concern today is to repair this damage in any way he can. As a result, he’s been spending a lot of time away from home visiting his brother’s family.


Although Assuran’s the official religion of Cudgel District, a smaller shrine has been attracting a fair amount of attention lately. This is the mysterious Church of the Hound Splitter, located in northern Cudgel District on the aptly named Fury Street. The front doors of this church bear chains fixed with a padlock, and there are no windows in the church’s stone walls. Locals say they’ve seen people entering and exiting the church using silver keys to unlock the chains, but no one’s been brave enough to investigate further. Rumors of demon worship, live sacrifices, and worse circulate about the church, yet the priests of Assuran remain curiously close-lipped about the matter. Kalu Rimush Libluth of Assuran says only that he’s keeping his eye on the Church of Hound Splitter, but that it does not pose a threat to the city.

The people of Cudgel District are a watchful, laconic lot. They have little patience or tolerance for the rough and coarse lifestyle led by most adventurers. Merchants, innkeepers, and bartenders in Cudgel District often charge up to 200% over normal prices for customers dressed like adventurers (typified by openly wearing weapons or armor).


City Watch

In some ways, the Cudgel Watch are similar to the Champion’s Watch. Both are closely tied to their district’s official faith (in this case, Assuran), both present regular patrols in uniform, and both are fiercely loyal. Yet the Cudgel Watch is more concerned with preventing criminal activity than any other watch in Sunáthüma, to the extent that they sometimes overstep their bounds. Tales of wrongful imprisonment abound here, although the Cudgel Watch maintains that such cases are rare as a result. The citizens of Cudgel District are the least flamboyant and outgoing of the people of Sunáthüma, making the district a draw for those not as interested in the bustle of city life. Criminal activity in Cudgel District is more prevalent along the borders between Cudgel and Shadowshore and Merchant District. Of the watches, the Cudgel Watch is the most likely to pursue criminals into other districts or meddle with another district’s watch affairs, making them the least liked district watches.


79% Human (Gael, Akkadian), 9% Halfling, 5% Catfolk, 3% Wugui, 2% Gnome, 2% Goliath, 1% Trox  

If you’re from Cudgel District, it’s possible you’ve never left Sunáthüma. Indeed, it’s possible you’ve never even left Cudgel District. The outer world is a place of mystery and perhaps fear for you, yet you may be equally intrigued by its lures. You likely worship Assuran, or perhaps Magni. Another church exists in your district, the Church of the Hound Splitter, but chances are that even if you’re curious about what they have to offer, you haven’t figured them out… yet. If you’re a ranger, your favored enemy is probably humanoid (humans), as you’ve learned that humanity has the greatest capacity for evil and treachery. Of the seven districts, the citizens of Cudgel are the least likely to seek an adventurous lifestyle. Those who do become adventurers are viewed by family and neighbors as black sheep.


  1. Cudgel Lighthouse
  2. Streetsweeper’s Guildhall
  3. Carpenter’s Guildhall
  4. Tentooth’s Taphouse (tavern)
  5. Enad’s Trickery (curio shop)
  6. The Barrelhouse (tavern)
  7. Low Market (general goods)
  8. Fast Pari’s (tavern)
  9. Welcome Home (home sales)
  10. Bent Baila’s (tavern)
  11. Little Sunrises (magical light sources)
  12. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  13. The Thrice-Born Phoenix (inn)
  14. Church of the Hound Splitter
  15. The Silverlode (tavern)
  16. Building By Design (construction)
  17. Éile’s Boat Rentals
  18. Longstride’s Hides (fine hides and leather goods)
  19. The Legless Stork (tavern)
  20. Marshwarden’s Hall (guides for local marshes)
  21. Three Thin Cats (general goods)
  22. Black Crab (brewery)
  23. The Painted Hare (tavern)
  24. The Sacred Hound (dog trainers)
  25. Shrine of Gibil (god of stone and guardianship)
  26. Shrine of Lugh Lamfada
  27. Ratcatcher’s Guildhall
  28. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  29. Stonemason’s Guildhall
  30. The Whispering Anvil (tavern/inn)
  31. Shrine of Mótsognir
  32. Temple of Assuran (district church)
  33. Gondola Waystation
  34. Fishfood (tavern)
  35. Donncuan’s Protections (fine weaponry)
  36. Stíofán’s Tales (cheap novels)
  37. Chimneysweep’s Guildhall
  38. Purifier’s Guildhall (water tower maintenance)
  39. The Rasp (tavern)
  40. The Unexpected Monkey (tavern)
  41. West Market (general goods, lumber, livestock)
  42. Suharum’s Whiskers (brewery)
  43. Cudgel Garrison Adjunct
  44. Stirge in the Stew (tavern)
  45. The Burning Dragon (inn)
  46. Gondola Waystation
  47. Cudgel District Hall of Records
  48. Tanzadkh Manor (district representative)
  49. Cudgel Garrison
  50. Laughing Shark (brewery)
  51. Crab Pond Ale (brewery)
  52. Harailt’s (general goods)
  53. Shrine of Freya
  54. House of Violets (monastery)
  55. Gilvery’s Goods (general goods)
  56. Lumberjacker Ale (brewery)
  57. Emerald Journeys (guides for the Ahedara Jungle)

LN Large town

Corruption +0; Crime -1; Economy +1; Law +3; Lore +1; Society -2

Qualities insular, monastic order, pious (Assuran)

Danger +5; Disadvantages


Government Autocracy

Population 5,400 (79% Human (Gael, Akkadian), 9% Halfling, 5% Catfolk, 3% Wugui, 2% Gnome, 2% Goliath, 1% Trox)

Noteable NPCs
  • Gulveer Dhamija (Karnataka human male): Guru of the peaceful House of Violets, Gulveer admits few visitors to his monastery. Those few who have visited tell tales of a place of serenity, shielded from the bustle of the surrounding city by magical curtains that block sound.   Kohnayn Tanzadkh (human male): Lord of Tanzadkh Manor and representative of Cudgel District on the Dawn Council. Kohnayn is possibly the richest man in Sunáthüma.   Rimush Libluth (human male): "Kalu" Rimush Libluth took up the mantle of the high priest of the Temple of Assuran after the recent death of Kalu Isiratuu. Rimush is kind, young, and energetic.   Thidrandi Malagrǫn (dwarf male): A gregarious and barrelchested dwarf, Thidrandi is the leader of the Stonemason’s Guild. He and his fellow stonemasons are tasked with the upkeep of Sunáthüma’s city wall, and as such are one of the more powerful guilds in town.


  Base Value 2,000 gp; Purchase Limit 10,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th   Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4
Location under


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