Merchant's District

Sunáthüma’s heart, and perhaps even its soul, is lodged firmly in Merchant District. The first district most visitors reach, it’s often the only one they need ever explore. Merchant District shops run the gamut from simple grocers to specialized buildings like potion emporiums, dagger sellers, exotic pet dealers, and magic item bazaars.

Merchant District’s representative nobility are the Arabanis. Lady Anwyn Arabani is an eccentric noblewoman who has a strange fascination with Drow legends, and even claims to have Drow ancestors although her relatively pale skin would indicate otherwise). She’s quite popular, as she goes above and beyond to ensure the people of Merchant District have fair representation in the Dawn Council. She entertains many suitors, but has yet to settle on a single person to share her estate.


City Watch

The Merchant’s Watch is perhaps the most efficient of the seven watches. Corruption appears here and there, but the leadership is honest and does its best to maintain a crime-free environment. This is the busiest district in the city, and minor crimes are generally ignored, allowing the watch to focus its attention on larger problems. The Merchant Garrison isn’t the largest among the seven watches (that honor goes to the Champion’s Watch), but it’s certainly the most justly run of the seven.


37% Human (Hantzu, Amejin, Ostman, Karnataka, Deshreti), 20% Halfling, 18% Vanara/Orang-Pendek, 10% Catfolk, 7% Akhom, 5% Wugui, 3% Ratfolk   If you’re from Merchant District, you could be from anywhere. You may have grown up in Sunáthüma, or you might have only recently come to the city on the decks of a ship from anywhere else in the world, in which case your reasons for staying can be as varied as your actual homeland. Natives of Merchant District likely come from merchant families, or grew up the children of innkeepers or bartenders. You’re probably a very social creature, and the thought of isolation or the natural world fills you with nervous fear. If you’re a cleric, you might worship the Sanxing, but in actuality this district is a melting pot of faiths.


The Merchant District is the responsibility of House Arabani, however House Vigmadal has long been an influential mercantile family.

Guilds and Factions

Merchan'ts District includes many of the guilds that control the city's many trades
  • Alchemist's Guild
  • Baker's Guild
  • Barber's Guild
  • Barrister's Guild
  • Basketweaver's Guild
  • Butcher's Guild
  • Candlemaker's Guild
  • Cobbler's Guild
  • Cooper's Guild
  • Gemcutter's Guild
  • Glassblower's Guild
  • Innkeeper's Guild
  • Jeweler's Guild
  • Launderer's Guild
  • Leatherworker's Guild
  • Locksmith's Guild
  • Merchant's Guild
  • Riverman's Guild
  • Scavenger's Guild
  • Scrivener's Guild
  • Smith's Guild
  • Spicemaker's Guild
  • Tailor's Guild
  • Tanner's Guild
  • Tavernkeeper's Guild
  • Teamster's Guild
  • Weaver's Guild
  • Wheelwright's Guild

Points of interest

  1. The Ticklish Ogre (tavern)
  2. Fenter’s Place (inn)
  3. Locksmith’s Guildhall
  4. The Dancing Monkey (curio shop)
  5. The Metal-Skinned Dwarf (fine armor)
  6. Pathfinder Lodge
  7. Fishback Market (general goods, seafood, trinkets, jewelry)
  8. Gondola Waystation
  9. Viltashel’s Favors (moneylender)
  10. Baker’s Guildhall
  11. Temple of Sanxing (district church)
  12. Harbor Market (general goods, imported goods, minor magic, food, entertainment)
  13. Candlemaker’s Guildhall
  14. Marketplace Hall
  15. Jeweler’s Guildhall
  16. Glassblower’s Guildhall
  17. Gemcutter’s Guildhall
  18. Shrine of Inari Okami (god of money and business)
  19. Merchant’s Guildhall
  20. Gondola Waystation
  21. The Drunk Bear (tavern/mead shop)
  22. Weaver’s Guildhall
  23. Glittermane’s Vault (magic shop)
  24. Shrine of Khonsu (god of the stars and wanderers)
  25. Gregair’s Place (tavern/gaming hall)
  26. Cobbler’s Guildhall
  27. Corner Groceries (general goods)
  28. Gondola Waystation
  29. Shrine of Nanshe (goddess of rivers and wells)
  30. Spicemerchant’s Guildhall
  31. Tavernkeeper’s Guildhall
  32. Shrine of Vidar (god of individuality and liberty)
  33. Basketweaver’s Guildhall
  34. Orimander’s Emporium of the Soul (magic shop/bookshop)
  35. Tailor’s Guildhall
  36. Telvanta Academy (prestigious dance school)
  37. Shrine of Tyche (god of misfortune and ill luck)
  38. Costumes and Fantasies (exotic clothing/costumes)
  39. Scrivener’s Guildhall (scribes)
  40. Venton’s (sage—Knowledge [local])
  41. Leatherworker’s Guildhall
  42. Smith’s Guildhall
  43. Sasserine Tours (guides to the city)
  44. Shrine of Hephaestus (god of metal and smiths)
  45. Cooper’s Guildhall
  46. The Singing Rose (perfumes and oils)
  47. Barber’s Guildhall
  48. Alchemist’s Guildhall
  49. Butcher’s Guildhall
  50. Scavenger’s Guildhall (finders of lost objects)
  51. Gondola Waystation
  52. Teamster’s Guildhall
  53. The Painted Vixen (brothel)
  54. Wheelwright’s Guildhall
  55. The Rusty Pirate (tavern)
  56. Launderer’s Guildhall
  57. Tanner’s Guildhall
  58. Shrine of Menshen (god of doors, locks, and keys)
  59. The Bent Goblin (inn)
  60. The Upwards House (sage—Knowledge [architecture and engineering])
  61. Rooftop Solutions (messenger service)
  62. The Warden’s Vault (moneylender)
  63. Fifteen Horses and a Mule (tavern)
  64. Cages of Plenty (exotic pets)
  65. Merchant’s Garrison
  66. Innkeeper’s Guildhall
  67. Riverman’s Guildhall (gondola service)
  68. The Crimson Genie (brothel)
  69. Heinvar’s Baths (bathhouse)
  70. Arabani Manor (district representative)
  71. Krexin Imports (exotic imports)
  72. The Strumpet’s Excuse (inn)
  73. Coins From Above (moneylender)
  74. The Minx Market (brothel)
  75. Domaskio’s Consortium (puppets and toys)
  76. Featherwhisper’s (bathhouse)
  77. Barrister’s Guildhall
  78. The Inner Labyrinth (occult books)
  79. Vigmadal Manor (minor noble)
  80. Gondola Waystation

NG Small city

Corruption +2; Crime +1; Economy +5; Law +2; Lore +3; Society +1

Qualities financial, prosperous, rumormongering citizens, strategic location

Danger +5; Disadvantages


Government Autocracy

Population 5,400 (37% Human (Hantzu, Amejin, Ostman, Karnataka, Deshreti), 20% Halfling, 18% Vanara/Orang-Pendek, 10% Catfolk, 7% Akhom, 5% Wugui, 3% Ratfolk)

Noteable NPCs
  • Amala Thakurta (female Karnataka Human): An exotic and intriguing woman, Amala runs the prestigious Telvanta Dance Academy.
  • Anwyn Arabani (female half-elf ): Lady of Arabani manor and representative of Merchant District on the Dawn Council.
  • Branan Ó Tuachair (male gnome): Branan is the master of the Alchemist’s Guild; his mark can be seen on nearly every potion or alchemical item sold in Sunáthüma.
  • Mao Delan (Male Hanzu Human): Lord of the Merchant’s Guild, Delan is a gifted public speaker.
  • Fahkour Sarraf (Male Deshreti Human): Fahkour is the soft-spoken caretaker of the Pathfinder Lodge. He is often gone from Sunáthüma for months at a time on adventures.
  • Laera Vigmadal (Female Hellenic Human): Thrust into the responsibilities of nobility, young Laera’s parents perished in a terrible fire and her brother has vanished from the public eye, leaving her to tend to her estate’s needs all on her own.
  • Wang Luoyang (Female Mazu Half-elf): Keeper of the temple of the Sanxing, Luoyang’s congregation is small, but she seems like a friendly-enough woman.
  • Velkandar Toregson (male human): Eldest son of the Toregson family, Velkandar runs the Smith’s Guildhall.


Base Value 6,800 gp; Purchase Limit 50,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6
Location under


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