Noble District

Noble District has traditionally been thought of as the city’s ruling district, even though Torleifborg isn’t technically a part of this district. Yet Sunáthüma’s trust in its rulers has been shaken , and nowhere is that loss of faith more evident than in this district. Today, the citizens of Noble District spend too much time bickering with those of Champion’s District and trying to organize their district into a self-sustaining society. Idle talk of seceding from Sunáthüma is commonplace in Noble District bars. The other districts increasingly view the Noble District as a place of decadence and vanity, and eagerly await the district’s fall under its own excesses. Noble District’s representative nobility is the Lagides family. With the end of the Torleif family line over 100 years ago, the Lagides became the oldest noble family in the city. The family patriarch, Nereus Lagides, is a kind-hearted noble who may be too gentle and forgiving to succeed in Sunáthüma as a successful noble. His major concern today seems to be the reconciliation of the churches of Hecate and Magni.  

City Watch

The Noble’s Watch are masters of subtlety. They do not patrol the streets of Noble District openly, as the local citizens have long since made clear their distaste for seeing guards in public places. As a result, the Noble’s Watch do their jobs undercover, posing as travelers, entertainers, merchants, or even petty nobles as the case demands. Newcomers to Sunáthüma seeking a place to ply criminal acts may be tempted by the seeming lack of guards in this district, but the Noble’s Watch wastes no time in dealing with crime as it appears. This, combined with the fact that anyone nearby could be the law, makes Noble District one of the safest in Sunáthüma.


96% Human (Hellenic, Ostman, Gael), 2% Halfling, 1% Elf, 1% Others   If you’re from Noble District, you’re not necessarily the member of a minor noble house, although if you’re not, you probably have friends or associates who are. You may be from the middle class, in which case your family serves one of the noble families in some regard. Or your family could be involved in the arcanist scene, in which case you are no stranger to magic. Finally, you may be a student at the House of the Dragon, recently graduated (or worse, flunked out) from higher education. Citizens of Noble District are clean, cultured, and eschew physical labor, preferring to hire muscle or use magic to take care of tough jobs. You likely worship Hecate. If you worship Magni, you keep your faith secret. If you’re a specialist wizard, you’ve probably chosen conjuration, enchantment, illusion, or necromancy as your field. Other specialist wizards are not unheard of, but those who opt to specialize as evokers or transmuters are often thought of as blowhards with something to prove.

Points of interest

  1. Highwall House (Knowledge [geography] sage)
  2. Shrine of The Muses (goddesses of art and inspiration)
  3. Witchwarden Tower (arcanist’s guild)
  4. Shrine of Fate [Norns/Moirai] (goddessses of time and Fate)
  5. Actor’s Guildhall
  6. Shrine of Ushas (goddess of love)
  7. High Market (general goods, exotic wares, jewelry, magic)
  8. The Pearl and the Parrot (tavern/inn)
  9. Imp’s Folly (tavern/gaming hall)
  10. Musician’s Guildhall
  11. Sunáthüma Opera House
  12. Coffinmaker’s Guildhall
  13. Mustakis Manor (minor noble)
  14. House of Lords (Knowledge [nobility and royalty] sage)
  15. Shrine of Sarasvati (goddess of music)
  16. Courtesan’s Guildhall
  17. House of the Dragon (school and library)
  18. Lagides Manor (district representative)
  19. Instrument Maker’s Guildhall
  20. Cartographer’s Guildhall
  21. The Curious Chimera (bookstore)
  22. Thenalar Academy (finishing school)
  23. Cloudcrystal Academy (finishing school)
  24. Shrine of Ea
  25. Noble Garrison
  26. Callisto’s Needle (tattoo parlor and Knowledge [the planes] sage)
  27. Blenak’s Bazaar (magic shop and Knowledge [arcana] sage)
  28. Temple of Hecate
  29. The Crystal’s Whisper (curio shop)
  30. Ancestor’s Rest (inn)
  31. Whispers on the Wind (fortune teller)
  32. Sunáthüma Crematorium
  33. Scarlet Spire (tomb of Suná, city founder)

N Large town

Corruption +1; Crime +1; Economy +2; Law +1; Lore +4; Society +1

Qualities academic, government capitol, prosperous

Danger +5


Government Autocracy

Population 3,700 (96% Human (Hellenic, Ostman, Gael), 2% Halfling, 1% Elf, 1% Others)

Noteable NPCs

  • Adrianai Tassidi (female human): Adrianai is the shrill and aging high-priestess of the temple of Hecate. A recent scandal involving her protégé Elena Antonakou in the city of Cauldron has tarnished the church’s reputation.
  • Créd Barr-Saileach (female halfling): Créd is the mistress of the Cartographer’s Guild.
  • Leto Stathili (human female): Leto is the mysterious (and somewhat frightening) mistress of Witchwarden Tower.
  • Nanna Aamodt (human female): Nanna, the manager of the Sunáthüma Opera House, is a huge woman who takes advantage of her ample frame to display outlandish dresses and hair styles. She fancies herself everyone’s friend, even though the feeling is not always mutual.
  • Nereus Lagides (human male): Lord of Lagides manor and representative of Noble District on the Dawn Council, many worry that Nereus has grown too soft in his advancing years to be an effective leader.
  • Zinon Mustakis (human male): Zinon is a minor noble whose family’s interests run to the decadent and extreme ends of entertainment.


Base Value 2,800 gp; Purchase Limit 16,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th

Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4

Location under


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