Sunrise District

Like Cudgel District, Sunrise is primarily residential. Yet the citizens of Sunrise are generally a bit better-off than their neighbors, in no small part due to the fact that many of them have stakes in the numerous plantations that dot the region surrounding Sunáthüma. Sunrise’s representative noble family is the Kennyrae family. Unlike the nobles of the other districts, the Kennyrae are elves. Lord Anemartas Kennyrae and his family have taken the preservation of the region’s wildlands to heart, and the foundation of Sunrise’s Standing Stone Park is one of their proudest achievements.


79% Human (Ostman, Karnataka, Deshreti, Akkadian), 9% Halfling, 5% Akhom, 3% Wugui, 2% Catfolk, 2% Ratfolk, 1% Vanara/Orang-Pendek  


If you’re from Sunrise, you pride yourself on your even temper, your friendliness, and your optimism. There are certainly a lot of rowdy folk in Sunáthüma, but most of them avoid Sunrise for one reason or another. You may have a healthy interest in the natural world, in which case you’ve spent long hours exploring the safety of Standing Stone Park. Many who live herework for one of the plantations to the south, either in the fields earning an honest day’s wage or in the plantations themselves as servants or specialists. Most of the people you know worship Sol, although any of the officially recognized faiths of Sunáthüma are welcome here.


City Watch

Like Cudgel District, Sunrise is primarily residences, although the presence of the lumberyard and proximity to the Azure District make its edges a bit more active. The Sunrise Watch are affiliated with the church of Sol, but for the most part are left to their own devices in keeping the district safe. Their organization is the largest of the seven watches, and as a result it’s more difficult for the commanders to keep everything in control. Corruption is fairly common here, yet the guards can generally be trusted to do the right thing.

Points of interest

  1. The Bridgehouse (gaming hall)
  2. Meadowdusk’s (Knowledge [nature] sage)
  3. Thunder River Lumber
  4. Shrine of Ereshkigal
  5. Landowner’s Hall (plantation owner’s meeting hall)
  6. The Restless Lion (tavern)
  7. The Hunter’s Trap (tavern/gambling hall)
  8. Winmester’s (inn)
  9. The Siren’s House (inn)
  10. Dawn Market (general goods)
  11. Sunrise Garrison
  12. The Endless Dark (Knowledge [dungeoneering] sage)
  13. Tepinal’s Wares (general goods)
  14. Taxidermist’s Guildhall
  15. Leldibar’s Shop (general goods)
  16. The Shivering Cat (tavern)
  17. Emerald Waters Orphanage
  18. The Hungry Gorilla (tavern)
  19. Shrine of Apsu
  20. Tobacconist’s Guildhall
  21. Dawnlight Orphanage
  22. Gondola Waystation
  23. Historian’s Guild (Knowledge [history] sage)
  24. Gondola Waystation
  25. Kennyrae Manor (district representative)
  26. Standing Stone Park
  27. Dawnhouse (district church)
  28. Shrine of Horus
  29. Shrine of Vishnu
  30. Gondola Waystation

CG Small city

Corruption +3; Crime -2; Economy +1; Law +4; Lore +1; Society +6

Qualities insular, party town, rabble rousers, superstitious

Danger +5


Government Autocracy

Population 6,100 (79% Human (Karnataka, Deshreti, Akkadian), 9% Halfling, 5% Akhom, 3% Wugui, 2% Catfolk, 2% Ratfolk, 1% Vanara/Orang-Pendek)

Noteable NPCs

Anemartas Kennyrae (elf male): The Lord of Kennyrae Manor and representative of Sunrise on the Dawn Council has lived in Sunáthüma longer than most every other citizen.

Bawanesh Vijaya (human male): Bawanesh represents the various plantation owners who live outside the city walls when these industrious folk are not present.

Kine Granum (human female): Kine is the high-priestess of the temple of Sol. She views the vices of Sunáthüma as unfortunate, but rather than crusade against them she appeals to the city’s decent folk, offering options to the debauchery and crime that plague the city.


Base Value 3,600 gp; Purchase Limit 22,500 gp; Spellcasting 4th

Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6

Location under


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