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Lady Liathra Certi

Lady Oathfall

Liathra Certi, Mistress of Oathfall, is a prominent Archfey of the Feywild, specifically aligned to the The Winter Court and the Unseelie Court. She stands, at present, in the roles of Advisor and Second In Command to the Queen of Air and Darkness, a loyal subordinate who oversees much of the political strife within the Court while the true leader remains out of sight, rarely seen.   She holds herself to a high regard in all things, never appearing with so much as a hair out of place, elegant and regal in every act and appearance. Liathra is both intelligent and charismatic, a master of manipulation and lies, but also known to speak truth more often than she'd like to admit. A bard at heart, her charismatic nature has earned her many supporters and loyal subordinates: those who following willingly; those she has bargained with for their favour; those who owe her debts and those she has trapped within their own words until they can do nothing but obey. Due to her long list of loyal noble Houses within the Winter Court, whenever political deliberations are underway, it is often noted that she is capable of swinging a vote to favour her moon, opinion and alligience to the Queen of Air and Darkness , those who subordinate themselves to her, will never vote against her and thus she holds the majority within Court.   Though clearly aligned to the more malignant forces of The Feywild, it is noted that her Unseelie nature rarely shows itself. She is, at least compared to many Fey and Archfey within the @Unseelie, among the gentlest and most forgiving. Seemingly still in touch with her original Seelie roots, at least to that degree, she does not partake in many of the activities which would scorn her as a true Dark Fey. She avoids grim "entertainment" such as torture and mental tormenting; stays out of political affairs which will undoubtedly lead to murder or betrayal; prevents the Unseelie under her command from ruthlessly hunting Wild Fey and has even stopped a few plots against noble Houses which if fulfilled would have benefitted her.   Not that she is to be taken for a fool, when her temper truly reaches a boiling point her true Dark Fey side shows, nails growing longer and sharper; teeth becoming like fangs; long Fey ears extending further, turquoise eyes turning black as night. It is a rare sight to see, and one that many do not walk away from.

Divine Domains

Tempest, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mountainscape with shooting stars over the top

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall and lithe, with long locks of wavy raven black hair, Liathra is known as the Winter Beauty by many at Court, her high cheekbones and angular features are the envy of many. Her bright turquoise eyes contain glimmers of stolen starlight which become more and less apparent depending on her use of magic and her emotions. Though she keeps them hidden when not using them, Liathra has a set of beautiful blue coloured Monarch Butterfly wings, a symbol of her status as an Archfey, they are vast; beautiful and elegant, a captivating sight for those privvy to their appearance.   At present, she is adorned with a set of beautiful, curling stag antlers atop her head, a symbol of her status in the Gloaming Hunt, they cannot be removed by anymeans, similarly for the same reason, she is rarely seen out of shades of black; teal and purple clothing, often adorned with raven skulls for buttons or buckles, with a gently shadow-like ephemera following her movements like a ghost.

Special abilities

Archfey Awareness   Archfey Eminence   Bardic Inspiration   Evasion   Flight   Ice Walk   Legendary Resistances   Spellcasting

Specialized Equipment

Rift: a beautiful ice encrusted rapier decorated with sapphires, enchanting with blessings from Queen Mab   Rend: a sleek and elegant shortsword, glimmering with jack frost and decorated with amythysts   Glacius Bow: a longbow, carved purely of Feybark and adorned with pale blue crystals and a string of fluid water

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is no secret among the Fey community that once, many centuries ago, Liathra Certi was a Seelie Fey - loyal to Queen Titania  and the Summer Court. While she has almost always lived in the Wastes of Winter/Frozen Lands and been a member of The Winter Court she worked alongside many of the Summer Fey of Titania's realm to ensure peace and prosperity of the Feywild.   As a Seelie Fey she was far gentler and sweeter than she is known to be today, wearing her heart on her sleeve for all to see, she played the most beautiful of music which itself seemed to resonnate her emotional state. Among the Summer Court, she held no specific position, but she was a member of Titania's Inner Circle, among her most loyal allies and, daresay, friends.   It was through her work for the Seelie Court that she eventually met Jenevelle, who (after a brief courtship with) she married and moved to the Emerald Forest to be with her partner full time. They lived a joyful and happy marriage, bringing out the best in each other, often considered so close their very souls were entwinned.   During the Cataclysm, however, tragedy struck for Lady Certi, her wife was killed by Unseelie militia during a botched scouting mission - she discovered the militia had gone rogue and were not working for the Queen of Air and Darkness at the time, and instead her grief and wrath fell upon Queen Titania who had organised the scouting mission and forbidden her from accompanying her wife.   Rumoured to have gone mad with grief, the dark tendrils of magic from the Unseelie began to call to her and warped her into a darker version of herself, spitting vile curses and venom at the Summer Queen before fleeing to her original home in the Winter Wastes where she continues to dwell, now embroiled within the Unseelie Court she rose quickly through the hierarchy to stand at the position she holds today.

Mental Trauma

The loss of her beloved wife during the Cataclysm is a wound she will never fully heal from, the grief followers her even 800 years later.

Personality Characteristics


Liathra is driven by the desire to maintain balance within the Winter and Unseelie Courts and prevent another Cataclysm being unleashed.

Likes & Dislikes

She appreciates a person who can enjoy a verbal joust of wit without offense or tiring from such entertainment.   Liathra enjoys music, particularly that done on a violin or harp.



Liathra has worked in the advisory capacity within the Winter and Unseelie Court for at least 800 years.

Family Ties

Jenevelle Certi: wife - deceased

Religious Views

As both a member and supporter of the Unseelie Court, Liathra holds the values of the Sylvan Pantheon close.
Divine Classification
Unseelie Archfey of the Sylvan Pantheon
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Advisor, Lady, Mistress, Rime Maiden
Current Residence
Oathfall Estate
Turquoise, filled with starlight
Long, wavy, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, flawless
Sylvan Pantheon (Unseelie)
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan


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