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Wastes of Winter/Frozen Lands

The Wastes of Winter, alternatively known as the Frozen Lands is a region of the Feywild governed by the Winter Court, the embodiment of Winter's chill with a vast frozen tundra.   The air is frigid and unforgiving, trees becoming lifeless, the area covered in ice and snow, many creatures taking shelter from the lower temperatures while others thrive within it. The days are short and the nights are longer, various creatures who prefer the dark often lurk and roam the land of endless winter.   The Ruler of Winter is the undisputed Queen of Air and Darkness, colloquially referred to as Queen Mab, though her oriignal name hasbeen lost to the ravages of time. Her legacy was confirmed by her son, Prince Mordred, and her grandson, Prince Melehan, though through the horrors of war both have been lost to her, freezing her heart ever more.   Winter often symbolizes death, the end of a cycle, cold and harsh weather, but through Winter, Spring shall bloom again. Winter has a pivotal part to play in the sequence of seasons, often severing as the time nature sleeps to be born again. Darkness is usually an excellent symbol of secrets, mysteries and illusions and that is true enough for the Wastes of Winter and the Court which dwells within.


As with all areas of the Feywild, the Wastes of Winter and Frozen lands are suffused with potent magic and untampered emotion. It is a realm of unrestrained frigid hostility, defended and guarded by the dark queen, the Queen of Air and Darkness. Under her watchful presence and forboding eminence, the region remains a tundra of frozen danger and icy contemplation.   The Wastes of Winter are a desolate expance of ice and freezing gales. Vegetation is virtually nonexistent in this realm of the Feywild, food is scarce and ultimately the embodiment of the phrase "life is harsh." Creatures of a more mortal coil typically work hard up until the last harvest of the Pastures of Autumn and bunker down for the long nights of the winter season. In this part of the Feywild, darkness dominates the landscape, with only pockets of light for their "dawn".    Far in the distance of the flat and icy lands, tall mountains loom over the horizon, a sky often diluted with grey clouds. Sudden snow storms and blizzards are familiar, creatures not adequately prepared can quickly succumb to a frozen death with the land serving as their icy tombs. There are patches of leafless forests, or forests covered in layers of snow, hidden away. Mortals may make offerings to winter fey in hopes of a less harsh winter season or to ward them from the volatile winter season. Such offerings usually do little to appease the whims of a winter fey, stern bargains are the way to deal with such entities. While most winter fey can be emotionless, the notion of a promise carries a higher weight concerning currency for a wandering adventurer in this part of the Feywild.   The Queen of Air and Darkness resides in a frozen crystal palace built into the base of a desolate and steep mountain. The palace itself is known as Gloampeak Palace, and the mountainous region as the Gloampeaks. Legend speaks of a black diamond hidden somewhere deep in its structure, rumoured to be the essence of winter itself.

Fauna & Flora


There are a vast array of flowers and plants which grow native to the Wastes of Winter and Frozen Lands, some tended to directly by the Queen of Air and Darkness herself in her private greenhouse, others allowed to struggle amidst the hard soil and cold temperatures.


A tiny flower with shining black petals which sways softly regardless of breeze on a thorned purple stem.   It is rumoured among the Winter and Unseelie Court that Gloomflowers spring where a dark fey once died, and the tortured and hopeless mind of that creature now inhabits the inky petals of the gloomflower, the air around it seemingly humming with ever silent screams.  

Lover's Thorn:

A delicate and beautiful purple and pale blue flower which growns on a long thorned tendril, often only found growing in the arctic bases of the Wastes of Winter's mountainous region.   It has a euphoric scent, smelling this otherwordly flower instills a sense of passion and charm, and has been known to offer boons and banes to those who sniff too long.  
[Smelling the Lover's Thorn will give 1 hour of advantage on all Charisma Skill Checks, but disadvantage on all Wisdom Checks and Saving Throws.]

Leven Berries:

An uncommon plant which is most known for its slight healing properties. It is a sweet looking fern with long coiling verigated leaves of a paler green bleeding into a darker shade, with long stems adorned with bulb shaped berries.   As it grows in the harshest of environments, it has the most juicy red berries which, when crushed and prepared can offer the consumer some extra vitality for a time.  
[Consuming Leven Berries will give 1d6+2 temporary hit points for 1 hour, this effect does not stack]

Daturia Hemvarys:

This simple looking sprig with elongated; enlarged holly-like leaves and a small scattering of connal lily shaped flowers is able to survive even the most bitter winter and harshest storm.   And although it is reported to have aphrodesiac, painkilling and narcotic properties, it is certainly one to avoid. It is a member of the Material Plane's Nightshade family, and is extremely poisonous.   The leaves of this plant can, however, be used for treatments of boils and cuts once it has been boiled and dried effectively for a fortnight, preventing and killing any bacteria which would dare to get too close.  

Lotus of Oblivion:

Rumoured to be a fruit-flower which grows only in the greenhouse of the Queen of Air and Darkness herself, this magically enhanced peach is believed to be capable of curing any disease and heal any wound, but whose unimaginable taste can make anyone who its it, forget who they are.   Many have sought access to the Lotus of Oblivion, only to lose themselves in its otherwordly sweetness. Aspiring heroes who cannot resist the magic of the lotus soon abandon everything to spend the rest of their lives beneath the lotus tree, and indulge in its pleasure.  

Pepper Berries:

These small red berries tend to grow on thin twigs and can resist almost any sub-zero temperature.  
[In their raw form, these berries can reduce cold damage recieved by 1 for 1 hour. In a brewed form, it can be turned into a Potion of Cold Resistance.]

Winter Diamond:

Very rare and almost never seen, this flower looks born of pure ice. Crystalline, twinkling with soft light and offering an air of coldness.   Legends of the Frozen Lands claim that the flower was formed from the grief-stricken Archfey, weeping over the loss of her love.   This flower's unique sap prevents it from freezing and can even restore health, and provide excess magical power to spell casters.  
[In its raw form, the Winter Diamond can deal 2d12 cold damage but restore one 1st and one 2nd level spellslot. In a brewed form, it can be used to make a potion of Cold Resistance or a Potion of Superior Healing.]
Alternative Name(s)
Frozen Lands
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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