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The shadar-kai are bound to the Raven Queen, forever serving her in the Shadowfell. They dwell mostly in El'Keleth outside the Fortress of Memories, usually too terrified of the place to enter it willingly. In their communities they re-enact their old rituals and ceremonies, in a pale imitation of the days when they dwelled in the life and light of their now-lost kingdom. When shadar-kai are in the Shadowfell, their bodies and faces are old and withered, displaying the full effects of the terrible magic that stripped them of their former elven beauty. When shadar-kai are sent away from the Shadowfell to do the Raven Queen's bidding, they often take on youthful features like those of other elves, although their skin remains deathly pale.   The shadar-kai people are currently leaderless for the last thirty years since the death of Xarann Gell and the shattering of Guenhyvar. Rumour has it that one day The Raven Queen will once again choose a leader for her people. Taernuin Gell is the rightful heir to this role but since the shattering of Guenhyvar and the death of Xarann Gell no-one is sure who will be chosen.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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