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Vereth Tal


One of the three members of the Small Council of Mistglade, this male Drow is one of the many residents who have arrived on the surface from the Underdark and has sought a better path than the one offered by Lolthsworn life.   He is among the first individuals new arrives are introduced to, as his rehabilitation is more recent than some of the other Drow of the village.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vereth is a handsome bug slightly rugged around the edges Drow, with a short side sweep of white hair, dark purple skin and lilac eyes. He stands around 5"6 tall and weighs little more than 150lbs, having a lithe build and slight frame.   He is often seen wearing shades of silver and red mage robes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vereth was born in the Underdark in one of the many Drow cities, connected through the winding tunnels linked to Dhala Mugen. He was born into slavery and used for his natural arcane talents and sorcery, the noble house which owned him hoped he might give them a boost in power and offer them some kind of leverage against other houses.   As a slave of House Thalack, Vereth was familiar with their key assassin Ranatar Eleneth and befriended him. When Ranatar made his escape from the Underdark, Vereth followed alongside another Drow, known as Nuada.   Upon reaching the surface, they felt their callings lead them in differing directions, with Ranatar heading South to Meridian and Nuada joining a nomadic Clan. Vereth went to Mistglade to seek the guidance of Eilistraee and to discover for himself what free Drow looked like.   He has lived in Mistglade for the past fifteen years since leaving the Underdark, and keeps in regular contact with the two friends he escaped with.

Mental Trauma

During his time serving House Thalack, Vereth was forced to use his magic to manipulate and maim enemies of the House. This sometimes included the innocent who were merely caught in the crossfire of the power hungry Matron.


Contacts & Relations

Ranatar Eleneth - friend and former fellow slave of House Thalack.   Nuada of Clan Ghloren - friend and former fellow slave of House Thalack.

Religious Views

Seeking enlightenment and understanding of free Drow society, Vereth follows the kind gleam of moonlight offered by Eilistraee as he ventures into the world to find his place in it.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon


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