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Mistglade is an idyllic village in Apollo's Forest, by no means isolated from the outside world it is nevertheless a rarely visited location due to being out of the way and also having some rather unusual features. The village is predominantly visted by the roaming nomadic clans who sometimes stop by to trade and water their mounts.   The village, while situated in the middle of dense forestry, is additionally enshrouded in a permanent layer of darkness, filtering the natural sunlight from above through a canopy of arcane wards and glyphs which dampens the strength of the sun's rays. This is for the very simple reason that Mistglade is an entirely Drow settlement.   Known for its mass Drow population, some of whom have dwelled for centuries and others whom have only recently emerged from the Underdark having followed the guidance and light of Eilistraee, to escape the clutches of Lolth and her followers.   Mistglade is a peaceful and quiet settlement, designed to aid in soothing the spirits of Drow who have only recently freed themselves from the darkness, and to prepare them for going out into the wider world.


As a full break away from the structure and hierarchy of Underdark Drow social normalities, Mistglade functions under a Small Council of three Drow.   The Small Council functions to guide the prosperity of the village and to ensure its populace is well cared for and are happy.  
Members of the Small Council:
  Aegon Talis, a male Drow with shoulder length white hair, shorn on the sides; dark red eyes and pale lavender skin. Has a trio of scars across his face from a wolf attack many years ago.   Min'hala Lovyl, a female Drow with waist length silver hair, kept in elegant curls; pale blue-lilac skin and silver eyes. She has a brand of a spider on her neck which looks like it has been half burned away.   Vereth Tal, a male Drow with short white hair, dark purple skin and lilac eyes. He is known to spend a great deal of his time in the Temple of Eilistraee.


The village is surrounded by a shallow ditch and low palisades. They have a non-standing militia of around 15 which can be mustered in case of an attack, though it is worth noting that the majority of the Drow who have moved into Mistglade after escaping the Underdark have a decent level of military training and would likely join the cause if needed.

Industry & Trade

Mistglade often does trade with the roaming nomadic clans of the Empire, trading predominantly in herbs; poultices; salves and balms.   As there is an entrance to the Underdark nearby, they are sometimes able to reclaim unusual gemstones and trinkets from the tunnels, though such endevours are not done so often as they come with an extremely high level of danger.


The Bloody Doe:
  This tavern is a clay and wood framed building with a sprawling single storey, a simple thatched roof and small chimney. The interior is well decorated and has a comfortable atmosphere, comfortable armchairs near the fireplaces and enough tables for its patrons to comfortably engage socially or sit in private. It is known specifically for it delightful venison casserole and dumplings.   The Bloody Doe is run by Myska Rhenvel, a Drow woman with shoulder length white hair often kept in two braids, dark lavender skin and pale blue eyes.  
The Tempered Groove:
  The blacksmiths is a timber framed, large single storey building with several shuttered windows and quite roughly carved wooden furniture. A single open furnace crackles day and night, often providing a warm glow across the dim-lit space.   The forge is worked by Abjara Voll, a male Drow with short silver hair, an undercut, dark blue skin and purple eyes. He is often seen with his daughter Eilisa.  
Copper Provisions:
  The general store is a simple wooden structure with a reinforced wooden door and moss-covered walls. It is well-lit inside by a few lanterns and trades in only the most basic of supplies.   The owner of the store is Fariden Shamil, a non-binary Drow with mid-back length white hair and grey skin, their eyes are the classical crimson shade, but appear to be lightening to a more amber tone.  
The Small Council House:
  This small longhouse style building is constructed from simple clay and wood, with a thatched roof and a scattering of windows. The interior is quite plain, with a large fire pit around which three chairs are organised. In this building the Small Council of Mistglade come together to discuss problems, solutions and the overall wellbeing of the settlement.


Mistglade was constructed around 500 years ago by a small number of clergy dedicated to Eilistraee in order to create a safe haven for Drow wishing to leave the life of the Lolthsworn behind.   There was a lot of immediate backlash from the followers of Shevarash who viewed this open invitation as an easy means of spies infiltrating the surface, capable of going unchecked and unmonitored due to the naivety of those in charge. They were challenged by the clergy of Eilistraee who saw their push back as pure racial prejudice based on outdated religious doctrine.   The two opposing sides came to an agreement, wherein some of Shevarash's clergy would remain in Mistglade to monitor its progress, and if after a century they confirmed it to be a successful venture, they would fully hand over control to the inhabitants.   A century rolled around quickly and without incident with a slowly growing Drow population of individuals who already lived on the surface and those who were beginning to hear the call of the Seldarine thanks to Eilistraee's guidance. The followers of Shevarash kept their word and willingly retreated their hold on the area, handing it over to the original founders.   In the 400 years since the handover, Mistglade remains one of the most successful settlements for Drow reintegration in the The Empire of the Rune Keepers.

Points of interest

The Temple of Eilistraee:
  It is widely known that the worship of the Dark Seldarine is strictly forbidden and considered high treason by the Empire of the Runekeepers, with the sole exception of Eilistraee who is considered an ally of the Seldarine due to her work lessening Lolth's grasp over the Drow.   It is, nevertheless, still unusual to find temples dedicated to her on the surface, more often one might stumble across a small shrine. However, in honour of the Goddess who has helped Mistglade flourish, they have a formal temple in her dedication alongside a series of small shrines for the members of the Seldarine.  
Dhala Mugen:
  The nearby entrance to the Underdark is closely guarded by the clergy of Shevarash, but they now work in tandem to send surfacing Drow to Mistglade for reintegration and healing - both physical and mental.
Alternative Name(s)
Eilistraee's Last Light
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location


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