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Ranatar Eleneth (RAN-ah-tar EL-en-eth)

Mayor - Ranatarian Dolohourn

Ranatar is a male Drow, the current mayor and resident of the town Meridian, he lives happily with his husband Gilderoy Eleneth in the Mayor's Estate.   He formerly worked behind the scenes in the back of the his husband's tailor's shop - Gilderoy's Glorious Garments, mostly cutting fabric and preparing orders for his husband to deal with. He was shy, and used this as a means to keeping himself out of the limelight of the other townsfolk, some of whom were still not used to the sight of a Drow among their ranks.   Now, having grown in confidence following the people of the town voting him as the new Mayor, Ranatar is often seen walking the streets and greeting the populace, each one treated as a dear friend. He seeks to grow Meridian and create a prosperous settlement for everyone living there.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ranatar is a modestly good looking male Elf, with many of the typical features relating to a Drow, such as his darker skin pigmentation and pale hair.   His hair is long, resting about the middle of his back, and is often bound in a single braid; his skin is a smooth heather shade of purple though it is noticeable that the pigment on his fingers and tips of his ears are slightly darker.   He has heterochromia, with one of his eyes appearing to reflect the characteristic red iris of a Drow, the other eye is a beautiful oceanic shade of blue.

Facial Features

He has a long scar from his left temple which runs down the curve of his face, trailing off at the jawline.

Identifying Characteristics


Special abilities

Sneak Attack: Ranatar is able to strike subtly and knows how to exploit a foe's weak spots and distractions.   Thieves' Cant: He knows the secret language of the underworld, a mixture of dialect; jargon and code that allows him to hide messages in seemingly normal conversations.   Cunning Action: He is quick thinking and agile, allowing him to move and act quicker than most.   Whispers of the Dead: Ranatar is haunted by the echoes of those who have died, but they can be useful, giving him knowledge of certain skills or tools.   Wails from the Grave: Channelling the power of death into his attacks, Ranatar is able to target a second creature when using sneak attack and cause them to take necrotic damage.   Evasion: Ranatar is able to nimbly dodge out of the way of certain dangerous areas of effect, allowing him to avoid the majority of damage he might take were he not so swift.   Divine Smite: Ranatar can bring the wrath of the Gods upon his enemies and enhance his strikes with radiant energy.

Apparel & Accessories

Ranatar often wears simple clothing, not being overly flash or extrovert. He wears shades of black and silver, sometimes accented by gold.   He wears a single gold band on his left ring finger.

Specialized Equipment

Dagger of Venom

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Ranatarian Dolohourn, Ranatar has never been shy about what he is, a Drow of the Underdark. Born and raised in one of the many cities of the deep. In his opinion, his life there was relatively inconsequential, his mother was a Courtesan who sold him to pay off her debts.   He was sold to a minor noble house, House Thalack, and was trained to become one of their assassins. They were Lolthsworn extremists looking for any leg up in the society they could glean, including removing political opposition wherever possible. Which he was often used for.   Gifted in the arts of deception, concealment and elimination he was one of their greatest assets, believed blessed by Selvetarm he was unknowingly being groomed to be God's next Chosen. Not only a massive boon to House Thalack in terms of their own power but also putting them on the map in higher society among the Lolthite clergy, to have the next Chosen of Lolth's Champion dwelling in their webs.   On the eve of being officiated as the Chosen, Ranatar broke his chains and fled the Underdark with two friends he'd made along the way. For too long had he bowed to Lolth's Swarm the same way as his supposed God had, he would not do the same, he'd have his freedom one way or the other.   Escaping alongside Vereth Tal and Nuada, they breached the surface at Dhala Mugen, near to the small settlement of Mistglade. While initially questioned by the clergy of Shevarash guarding the tunnels, they were allowed through and the trio went their separate ways.   Ranatar made his way South to Meridian and settled down, shy and unsocial at first, he was slowly brought of of his shell by his future husband Gilderoy Eleneth and after some chance encounters with the The Adventurer's Guild, became the Mayor of Meridian after fifteen blissful years on the surface.   In a recent twist, during an official bridge opening, House Thalack came to reclaim him, but thanks to the aid of the townsfolk and the Guild, Ranatar broke his final chain and aided in striking down the Matron of the House that had claimed so many years of his life. He accepted his role as Selvetarm's chosen on his own terms and became a Paladin of Vengeance, vowing an oath to keep the town of Meridian safe and see to it that House Thalack fell for good.


Ranatar is pansexual, and is very committed to his husband of ten years Gilderoy Eleneth.

Mental Trauma

Many might consider it unusual for a Drow, but Ranatar is afraid of going underground.


Worship of Lolth


Contacts & Relations

Vereth Tal - friend and former fellow slave of House Thalack.   Nuada of Clan Ghloren - friend and former fellow slave of House Thalack.

Family Ties

Religious Views

Ranatar is slowly learning the faith of Hanali Celanil, finding her doctrine soothing after the harshness of Lolth's presence in his life.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chosen of Selvetarm, Mayor of Meridian
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon


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