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Thu 16th Mar 2023 05:31

Captain's Log 1

by Varanus

My life never stays easy for sure my cargo was opened almost damaging my boat. the little green one was feisty, she is very powerful but very easy to motivate and one tracked and easy distracted with it. now the large smelly one that is amass of just nasty, so far it like many other in this group I've been dragged into no weakness to be seen so far. the elf who I transported is here mystery as she is but i gave my word to not pry but that contract is over that magic unstable yet powerful. The cat man is very tall seems to be exiled or pushed away from other relatable for sure I see he has a big heart for the little ones and hurt ones maybe to good of heart? I still didn't like paying so much for food but he surely is an amazing cook. Lastly my new crewmember what an interesting little one she is but she is smarter than me by a large margin and very energized. She will certainly be a fine addition to the crew hopeful I can get more to join in we would make a powerful crew to find those to betrayed me. At least my side business will do me good and keep me and the crew going along.
Cargo 1 - food poisoning or easily fooled anyway
Biggs the Cat - Food maybe sleeping poisoning heart is as large as its own body
cargo 2 - No clue can it even die to poisoning look more into....
Elf - get to the little one she so attracted to to get her guard down maybe slight of hand poisoning look more into...
always follow the rules
Meanwhile - we have this time to before the big event get some sleep maybe think of some new flags for the ship in case of trouble.