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Sat 11th Mar 2023 05:19


by Drexla Goldsprocket

I have found new friends!!! The island is filled with animal people. I have not seen any humans.. thats a nice change! The big kitty makes really good food and his cart is great for crafting while travelling, its a little bumpy but i will work on designing a better suspension system to smooth out my ride.. maybe some mechanical arms to help with crafting and cooking... (pulls out her book and begins sketching.. she twitches every so often and looks longingly at her vest pocket before feverishly going back to work)
The pretty elf lady seemed scared of me.. i am not really sure why. no one is scared of me, im too little. I am glad for the company though. i worry the 88 will find me even here. I keep a close eye out and try and stay hidden.
The big patchwork man is scary... he seems nice enough but i have a deep fear of him
The goblin lady is funny.. she's not much bigger than i am.. i cant believe she ate the kobolds tail!!! I mean.. i guess if he was too weak or stupid to keep his tail he got what he deserved.. that being said i will watch him. Weakness is dangerous,.. stupidity AND weakness can get us in trouble...
I like the captain.. i'm grateful he hired me to retrofit his boat.. i just hope i can pull it off.. i have the most AMAZING plans i drew up... when i got blasted in the face by the nummy powder (she glances again at her pocket)... It was amazing while it lasted.. i didn't feel too hot later though... now that i think about it i still don't feel good.. i guess i should only use that in emergencies.
I have 2 weeks to kill.. the caravan is moving too fast to scavenge,, i need to keep busy though. this IS a merchant caravan,,, i need to make something to sell when we get to the festival.. hmmm clockworks!!! i can make those pretty quick.. and i've noticed people leave stuff laying around ALLL THE TIME HERE!!!! they must not need it... and i hate to see things go to waste.. i don't think they will mind if i ...repurpose it?.. no one will know.