Zombi (pl. zombi)

Written by jterlecki


Dispel any image you may have of a wandering, rotting corpse that is only dangerous in the hundreds (see mots .) A single zombi is every bit as dangerous as a werewolf or a vampire , and they are by far the strongest, physically.  


Zombi will have a visible reaction to salt. More subtle clues can be limbs that don't quite match the rest of the body. Muscular arms are often the first thing a Zombi will augment themselves with.  


Zombi are the result of the degeneration of an immortal into madness. They lose their minds, but retain all their dark powers. They are a very difficult opponent, not only tough but capable of regenerating from horrendous damage, as well as being tough, strong, and swift, and fully able to use weapons and often sorcery as well. If any of their body parts become terribly damaged, the zombi can steal the parts of others, and gain the abilities of those victims for a time.  


Dismembering a zombie merely makes one opponent into many, so beware.  


Only salt can truly keep a zombi at bay.  


Decapitation or destruction of the brain is traditional for the destruction of zombi,  


Zombi are often found under the thrall of a more powerful supernatural entity. They were, after all, created to be soldiers.  


see Immortal  
MonsterĀ Undead   Key Features
  • Super-strength
  • Hard to kill
Weakness Salt   Curse Eating the flesh
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Zombi


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